
Why r u a repub if you arent rich?

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or an evangelical?




  1. Republicans like to:

    1.Answer every question with lies and deflections.

    2.Promise to regulate private lives while they sell the country from under our feet.

    3.Ignore any facts that don’t support their views:  the price of gas, the deficits, and the number of homes foreclosures, as well as, rising poverty and “outsourcing” America.

    4.Ignore that a vote for McCain is approval for 8 more years of pulling money out of the middle class.

    5.     Enjoy listening to puppets read one line of rhetoric once a day, stay the course.

    6. Ruthless and hypocritical.

    7.    Eyes, mind, and feet are focused on death in heaven while America is sold to the highest bidder, Big Oil, China, and Walmart.

    8.    Use broad undefined words to brainwash people.

    9.    Only have one issue and that is to regulate a woman's uterus, never mind family privacy, war killing, orphan children, tubal pregnancies, or becoming a surrogate for unwanted.  Does life end at birth?

    10.   Put money, church, sports and entertainment before country.

  2. Because I believe in opportunity and not handouts. Because I believe the more you rely on the government for everyday needs the more power the government has over your life. Why would I vote away my personal share of sovereignty?

  3. Because I vote with my head and my conscience rather than with emotion.

    And besides, I'm not rich enough to be able to afford my income to be taxed into oblivion so the government can spend it on c**p like health care for people who are deemed even less fortunate than me.

  4. I was a republican, but they have abandoned fiscal conservatism.

    Before they did that, the reason I was a republican was:

    -I believe in a limited role of the government, relegating them to a very minimal role in both our economic and social lives. Mainly just their most basic functions like upholding the laws, dispensing justice, providing infrastructure and protecting us from foreign and domestic threats.

    -Am against wasteful spending, especially on social programs (welfare) and pet projects.

    -Believe in individual responsibility and accountability for ones own actions. The exact opposite of an overbearing Nanny State running our lives.

    -Believe in the concept of individual liberties as opposed to the left's communal liberties.

    -Believe in the individuals rights to property (land and anything they own and earn) and that they should be able to keep the fruits of their labor no matter how much money they make per year. So hence I believe in very low taxes.

    -Believe that the government has little to no place when dealing with economic issues, let the free market run it's course. I'm very Laissez Faire.

    -Believe in a very strong and advanced military.

    -On foreign issues, I think we should mind our own business unless it has a direct affect on us or a close ally.

    -Am a strong supporter of federalism and state's rights.

    So now the only party that resembles my political beliefs is the libertarian party. Which is what I have always been, but since old republicanism closely resembled the libertarian party, it made sense to vote for a major party.

    Edit: That is a huge fallacy that only the rich support republicans. In fact studies show many people with PhD's, and Bachelor's and Master's degrees are liberal. As are most trust fund babies (ones that inherit their wealth), the Hollywood crowd, musicians, and people in the academic world. And those people make a lot of money. Guess that blows a hole in that theory!

    Edit: You're right, you didn't say that only the rich vote republican, but considering many liberals regurgitate that tired old phrase and the way your question was set up, it is easy for one to draw a conclusion like that.

  5. Some ppl are clueless as to what they do, that`s why.

  6. Because the dems will tax us to death.

    While ignoring that Clinton had the largest peacetime expansion of our economy in history, balanced the budget and reduced taxes, except to the rich.

    While Bush and the GOP gave the rich a hefty tax cut and the middle class a small tax cut, then the states were forced to drive up their fees and taxes to take care of the shortfall and the feds were forced to raise fees and taxes on hidden and not so hidden taxes to do the same.  The middle class ended up paying more.

    We give a big tax cut to the rich so they can, in this order from most investment to the least.

    #1 Invest in overseas business and factories

    #2 Invest in overseas labor

    #3 Invest in domestic business and factories

    #4 Invest in domestic labor



    PS that is why republicans can be in so much denial.  They know its true, but they know they can't admit it.  Well, that is, except for the zealots.  They can't admit anything that isn't scripted by their talking heads.


  7. Because my parents raised me with a good moral base and a good work ethic. Most libs i know were taught to cheat the system, and worse they are taught it is ok.

  8. you spell and grammar show you cannot even get a GED?

    Most people don't even know what political party they are.

    Most people don't use common sense

    There is more Democrats then Republicans

    But Democrats either don't vote..(to lazy_) or just cross over to the

    Republican side

    as why can you explain how George W. Bush jr. won two times in a row?

    The Democrats just don't support their own party and all they do is

    point fingers when the GOP does get elected

    Democrats..why don't you guys just vote and stop talking about it

    it probably like your s*x life..all talk and no action?

  9. They will fall back on their answer of last defense of course, abortion. Being anti- abortion will always be their argument when all other illogical arguments fail.

  10. why a liberal if you do not live in Kalifornia or New York?

  11. Yeah it's kind of like chickens voting for colonel Sanders, LOL.

    They don't get it, the have been brainwashed.

  12. great question, I think they think they will become rich one day, what they dont know is the real Republicans look down on them or any person who isnt worth at least 20 million dollars

    it is just amazing Republicans seem to blast social issues like welfare and food stamps when they dont realize these things only accumulate about 3% of your tax dollars

    Oh well the real Republicans, the trust fund babies and the people on the top will be set for the next 20 generations, but the people on the bottom, those middle class Republicans will soon wake up one day and realize what they have done, or they kids will realize what they have done

  13. Because I shouldn't have to share the money that I earn with you.

  14. perhaps the republicans have threatened to sent them to guantanamo if they don't support republicans

  15. their answer:

    "because if I keep working hard, I know one day I'll be rich too!"

    too bad I know a lot of old conservatives who are pretty poor and they worked hard every day...

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