
Why r woman against abortion n for givin them up for adoption?

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Why r woman against abortion n for givin them up for adoption?




  1. A woman becomes too emotionally attached to the baby during her nine months of pregnancy as well as has had her maternal instincts kick in during the pregnancy as she has protected and cared for the baby inside her womb to ensure that it is born healthy and alive. These feelings become stronger once the baby is born, they don't go away and women instinctively know this is how it will be and that it would be extremely hard if not impossible to give the baby away and act as though those feelings aren't there. In other words, they will still long for the baby they have come to care about and long to take care of it. In short, women know their maternal instincts and love will kick in more and more during their pregnancy and they will not be able to give away a baby that is theirs.

    I think this is also why women choose abortion over adoption, because they know they have not yet become too emotionally attached and during their period of emotional distress, find it easier to have a baby aborted than go through the pregnancy and give the baby up for adoption.

    That's the primaty reason, but there other issues to deal with as well; I'm not sure about financial bec. I think they can have the tab picked up by the adoption clinic or home (?) or by the people adopting the baby if there are any and that may be only if they're lucky.

    Then there are social and physical issues such as going to work as morning sickness kicks in and probably the shame (and sadness,) they feel in giving the baby up and having their peers at work know.  I don't think many people stop to think how the pregnant mom-to-be must feel about all this, emphasis is placed primarily on the unborn childand in the case of abortion shaming an already shamed woman. In adoption- the people involved in the actual adoption process would care about  the woman as well, but what about all of her peers?  How are they going to react toward her, during and after?

    There's a huge gap missing in solutions between abortion and adoption. And those are solutions which would enable the woman to keep the child, raise it healthily and most of all, be able to financially afford it. I've though of two ...

    The first idea would be to have homes which would allow pregnant women housing during and after the pregnancy if they need it. with strick rules enforced for conditions under which they could stay. Conditions that would involve ensuring she obtains skills to obtain and maintain means of employment in order to take care of the child, through education or other means which would be offered throught the home. Other conditions would be that they attend "x" oamount of hours per day, week,etc. of parenting classes  and counseling which would help them mature emotionally and mentally to prevent another unwanted pregnancy. Other conditions which would include of course, no drugs, no alcohol inside or outside the clinic and no staying out overnight or of course having company over. As well as being open to random checks and observations inside and outside the home to document her behavior and progress. If I had a lot of money, I would start a home like this and I bet adoption and abortion numbers would decrease if these homes became more prevalent and hopefully the cycle of premature and unwanted pregnancies through generations of now educated and emotionally mature and more stable moms raise these children, and their children are taught and have a better example to follow.

    The 2nd idea came about as I watch abortion protestors stand nearby clinics with a piece of poster board on a stick and basically wasting their time which could be put to better use. Who couldn't spend a few hours a week holding a stick and a sign up. Why don't they get an extra job or work extra hours for those same hours and donate toward financially helping raise the baby?  If a protestor holding a sign actually persuaded a woman from going through with the abortion, do those same people offer any kind of emotional and financial help for the endurance of the baby's childhood through adulthood if needed or is the woman just on her own again? I wonder how many women could be talked out of abortion on the doorstep if they were approached with a commitment and promise to be there financially to help raise the child? A lot more  than those just met by protestors. I haven't gotten as far as how to ensure the commitment and promise are followed through on, but this is all just wishful thinking so far.

  2. omg..are you seriously asking this question????? Lets see, abortion is KILLING an innocent baby that had to pay for someones mistake. Adoption is letting a loving couple get to have their chance at having a baby that they could never have. Adoption is letting someone take over and actually LOVE and TAKE CARE of an innocent child.

  3. They're not against adoption, the ones that I know, and there are PLENTY of people who would love to adopt.

  4. My parents could never care for me properly. ..They could deal with me financially-but not emotionally. They were never home, I was alone constantly as a child-and then when I was 17 they threw me out. They WERE considering abortion but their doctor talked them out of it.

    ...I WISH I got aborted. It's CRUEL to bring kids into this world-and even crueler to just throw them away to an adoption home.

  5. who, i have never talked to or met anyone against adoption

  6. I think a better question would by why are people (in general) against abortion but not willing to give a child an adoptive home??  

    My belief is that if you're going to speak out against abortion (the problem) then you'd better be willing to get your hands dirty and help (be part of the solution).

    People can do that by providing adoptive or foster homes for children who would have otherwise been aborted.  They can also help a single mom get the medical care for the pregnancy that she needs...they can help her get groceries and find good child care...they can help an adoptive or foster family do what they need to do on a daily basis...they can be involved in a myriad of ways but (imho) they have an obligation to be part of the solution if they're going to gripe about the problem!

    I am pro life...instead of picketing abortion (women's) clinics, I choose to be involved in foster care & adoption.

  7. Women are not for abortion or against it.  Some women choose abortion and others do not.

    Women are not for adoption or against it.  Some choose adoption and some do not.

    Women are individuals, not cattle who all follow the same path.

  8. Adoption is harder than abortion for some people, because you carry the child for 9 month, then you actually get to see that child and get taken away by stranger, it's scary to think about it. Plus, people want to hide their pregnancy, it's hard not to get noticed.

  9. First and for most because it is her choice not to abort or give a child up.

    After carrying a child inside you for 9 months the hardest thing to do it hand that baby over, the best gift you can give but the hardest thing to do.

    So many young women have babies so they can have someone to love them (WRONG REASON), but they do anyway.  Look at the Maury show there are 12,13- 15 year olds trying to have a baby to love them

    Abortion/ adoption is not an option in those little girls minds, just the little tiny baby to love.

    Like I said Adoption is the greatest gift.

  10. " If YOUR parents hadn't been able to take proper care of you, or just didn't want you, wouldn't you hope that they would send you to a loving home rather than kill you before you even got a chance to experience life? "

    EXACTLY What I Was Going To Say!!! lol... If I Absolutly Had To Choose I Would Rather Give My Baby Up Than Kill It!!!!

  11. abortions r wrong ur killing babys 4 ur happiness and its not fair ur taking life away from someone we all deserve a chance and people give there babys up 4 adpotion cause ur giving ur baby a better home when u can take care of it

  12. Uhhhh I was adopted 37 years ago...if I had been aborted I woudn't be here writing this!!!!!

  13. Many women are against abortion due to religious or moral convictions.  Adoption is finally 'catching on' because many unwed mothers realize that their baby deserves a stable, secure home-life with 2 parents and a legal surname.  

    I wish every unwed mother would give their child this opportunity.  I realize that there are some single mothers that are superb caregivers and providers.  However, too often the child is not put up for adoption because the mother, who is unable to be a good provider, is thinking of her own needs/wants/desires instead of the child's.  Putting a child up for adoption is the greatest gift of love that a birth-mother, with inadequate means of providing a secure, stable home, can give her child.

  14. Because you aren't killing a potential human being .....

  15. If YOUR parents hadn't been able to take proper care of you, or just didn't want you, wouldn't you hope that they would send you to a loving home rather than kill you before you even got a chance to experience life?

  16. I am again Abortion because it kills a baby.  Adoption gives the mother of the child the option of having her baby and giving her child to a home when she could not give her child the proper environment.  Oh and the baby is not killed.

  17. You know what, I gave my son up for adoption when i was 17. I was still in high school, didnt have a job and my boyfriend at the time wasnt going to make any kind of father. I did what i thought was best for my child. One person on here talked about maternal instinct. Well isnt it a mothers instinct to want the best for her child even if that means she cant be the one to provide it?

    I could never abort for birth control reasons. Now if i had no other choice due to malformation or death on either my side or the babys, my heart would still break.

    I think people should just know the consequences of the path they choose. Its a womans choice!

  18. Morals, religion, etc.  I could never give a baby up for adoption or have an abortion.  That baby would be a part of me, he/she would be someone I helped create, the baby is an innocent person.  Having an abortion would feel like murdering someone.  Giving a child up for adoption would always leave you wondering about so many things.  I would rather do my best to raise the child the best I can than to try to erase it.

  19. because many women who end up pregnant unexpectadly dont want to murder their children and love them enough to do the right thing by them and give them a good live in the only way they know how.

  20. Many women are against abortion for moral or religious reasons. To answer the second part of your question, many women are advocates of adoption because they want their child to have a loving, stable environment with both a mother and a father that they themselves cannot provide. It is the ultimate gift on the part of birth mother. There are THOUSANDS of couples in America that are unable to have children. The only way they get a chance to be parents is through the gift of adoption.

  21. abortion kills an          unborn child

    adoption im all for it especially since there are many moms who cant have kids

  22. I'm against abortion, not adoption :o)

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