
Why radio is not copyright infringement ???

by  |  earlier

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if it is not infringement, is there some kind of ageement ?

thanks for anwering




  1. Your question is very vague.

    Going out on a limb here, I would think that you are talking about radio's ability to play music and why you think that they infringe copyrights.

    If they are radio stations that operate legally, then in most, if not all cases they are not infringing on copyrights because they pay licensing fees.

  2. I'd assume you mean how stations are able to play copywritten music.  Here's a very basic explanation....

    Stations pay royalties to artist unions like BMI and ASCAP.  Most artists belong to at least one of those unions.  

    A couple of times per year, BMI and ASCAP require stations to send a list of the songs played during a specified period, usually it's a period of a week or less.  

    This is one of a few ways that artists and record companies get paid from radio airplay.

  3. Radio stations pay the FCC for licenses, and they do not sell or reproduce the music.

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