
Why reschedule / resume suspended game after it's official?

by  |  earlier

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Here's the deal:

The Blue Jays were winning 2 - 1 last night in the top of the 6th inning, 2 out and the ump suspended game due to rain. The game is due to resume this afternoon. Question: Isn't the game official after 5 innings? If so, why stop the game and resume it later? Does the ump factor in when the team ahead actually took the lead? In this case, it was the top of the 6th.

Thank you




  1. 162 game schedule.. It could cause a problem in the end.

  2. I think in this situation, it will be resumed because the Orioles, as the home team, have the right to match the score put up by the Blue Jays in the top of the inning. Both teams need equal opportunities and one team can't be declared a winner when they had more chances than the opponent.

  3. Cause you got to finish what you start.

  4. Because with 4 more innings a lot can happen.  They reschedule so that a full game can be played.  They only use the 5 inning benchmark if there is no way the teams can play or reschedule the rest of the game.

  5. Rule 4.12.a.f

    Weather, if a regulation game is called while an inning is in progress and before the inning is completed, and the visiting team has scored one or more runs to take the lead, and the home team has not retaken the lead

    because of the scoring and lead change that occured it would be unfair to call the game at that point by league rules

  6. beaucse both managers deicde to play all ininings instead of half of it.

  7. baseball is boring.

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