
Why saudis dont smile and always look angry and unfriendly?

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Why saudis dont smile and always look angry and unfriendly?




  1. we see people as we are, not as they are : )

  2. Its not like that in all parts of Saudi. It is though in Riyadh. If you go to New York City you wont find people smiling at you either and if you look at someone you'll get the what the >>>> you looking at look or even have it said to you.

    Its a form of protecting ones self making others feel you arent that approchable. Thats how it is in big cities like New York City or Chicago.

    In Riyadh, its not really about the big city mentality though, but  a part of it is the weather.. when its hot.. you instantly frown, not to frown, but to protect your eyes from the sun.. but at their homes, or on vacation, its very, very different.

    I always catch myself doing that, then when I go home I find myself still frowning and ask myself why are my eyebrows still like that while its cool and nice in here? LOL

    Thats Riyadh, and not everyone is like that either, but those that are, have reasons like the ones I mentioned.... because they dont want to come off as the ones "spreading smiles"... do that in some cities outside of Saudi and you'll get robbed

    But I think your question has an inaccurate generalizing statement in it because at homes they almost always look friendly.... and smiling too much is not good at some places in which you want your apperance to be a formal one.

  3. where on earth do you hang out? and with whom?

    As we drive up and down the corniche street or walk the malls.. I get upset at the people who laugh so loud they interupt others... Some are belly laughing or gaffahing so loud its rediculous..

    But maybe as you pass someone on a sidewalk. the sun is so bright, people might tend to squint to avoid the sun. maybe you are interpreting this as angry.. and we are deep in thought people and trying to figure out the best route to get where we want before the next prayer time and maybe that makes us out to look unfriendly, but seriously we are a friendly group of people and love life...

  4. I was in England once ..I saw people hardly smile in England .that does not mean that English people have anger side always attached to them .Saudi Arabians  are  no different than anybody else  .What you have just said is  a symptom of living rush life with too much tension and anxiety  usually happens  in big cities,added to it the scorching heat of the weather in Saudi Arabia making life not so easy  6 months of the year  ..Go to villages ,  you will find people who will smile more ...Try to talk to people in a friendly way (((but not in a way that   looks that you are making  fun of them)))...They will smile back ,,and you will see how kind and sensitive  people are ,not just here but anywhere in this world ...

    This is from a guy who studied and made thesis about social changes in the developing world ...

  5. lol that must be in Riyadh

  6. I think their treatment varies from person to person. But Arabs are generally aggressive specially the egyptians who are always ready to fight you and shout on you....

  7. Oh the do smile! and u can even watch videos of them being "funny" on youtube...they are just like any other human...of course with more oil than the average but out of that...pretty much the same

  8. I dint know why this question ? I do think is depend on the situation of social life . if they from the upper class which is wealthy they will be smile others will be sad

  9. that's not true. i see saudis smiling.

  10. that's one of the most asked questions among saudis themselves....i'm from jeddah, and frankly i noticed we smile more than saudis from other parts of the country...but in general saudi people love "wanasa" and "farfasha" so if you did notice that they frown a lot in public then it must be due to the heat, the crowds and traffic, maniac drivers, or simply "caught on a bad day" filled with personal problems, work issues, bills and the rest of the people around the world. it's true that the rate of frowning increased this year say in comparison with the 1980s or 1990s...but thats normal, i'd be worried if we weren't with all the stress and anxiety caused by wars and the still increasing cost of's not easy....people have faith and hope...and we try to keep it together and not let things get the best of us and laugh and smile and have fun...but even the most faithful and the most optimist gets a blue day once in a while...

    to be honest: there are some people i see in streets that look angry and about to blow up even if infact they are smiling...that's just the way they look...i'm not making fun, swear to God...but there are people that has very strong rough features about them that just gives out such a vibe or impression...maybe it's the effect of the harsh desert...i dunno..

    i personally appreciate your concern about the "saudi smile" and asssure you it's still there...bigger, wider and goofier than ever...come on: we're the masters of "natural high"!

  11. Actually I never noticed that and never felt this way.

    Like all people they have their good day and bad days......

    In particular the people here in KSA rarely show their anger, even if they are your comment does not relate to my experience....

  12. mmmm that is not an easy question to answer but i never been there so i can't tell u what i think but you know not every ne is the same well some smile some don't my ans for ya is keep smiling :) :) have a nice day

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