
Why saving one's life is considered as one of the most rewarding thing to do?

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Why saving one's life is considered as one of the most rewarding thing to do?




  1. because imagine you are ready to save one's life even if u know that its dangerous...and we know also that we have only one life.,

    well,im proud to those people who are ready to sacrifice their lives just to save others...

  2. If I wasn't alive, would I be typing this?

    Most tasks require the performer to be alive.

    If people considered saving lives to be unnecessary, great minds who could further advance our society would be put to death.

    Goodness grief...

  3. by saving one's life u may be saving not only the person's life but also saving the person's father, the pain and trauma they wud hav otherwise undergone....

  4. i don't know - what if they're an a s s h o l e?

  5. because we have achieved everything but cannot give a life hence atleast saving a life is considered as the most rewarding thing to do.

  6. Because alot of grief, suffering & heartache has been avoided (in most cases).

  7. because life is precious and we really don't know if this is our only one but we assume it is so if you save a persons life you are giving their gift of life back to them so they can continue this once in a lifetime journey. :D

  8. This last Tuesday Morning at 4 am I was awakened to the sound of a man calling for help,I grabbed the phone,dialed 911,opened a door & hollered,"where are you?",the operator by then could hear him as well,.."You need to make eye contact with victim ",..I'm in my pj's & barefoot & no shoes at this door,(it's -20c/15f).."His life depends on it",..I need shoes,,,"No,look over your 6' fence,Do It Now!"Through the foot of snow I trudged,it's dark,where are you.I tell her I'm freezing..Find Him!,..eventually I'm in the alley,I'm in the neighbours yard,it's dark,I'm cold,I'm scared,Where are you!..Oh my! It's a crippled man who has fallen over their short fence into a large snow bank the night before,I'll get you a blanket & help is coming,you'll be okay now,hang on,I ran,got the blanket,all this time the 911 lady is questioning me:name,D.O.B.,etc.,(this was not helpful,it's 7 minutes,no one's here yet).I covered him,passed the phone off,to a stranger standing in the alley,talk to her,he puts the phone down & walks away!..Hi.911 lady,I can't go any further,I'm not well,I'm shaking uncontrollably,I need to find my shoes..."Would you like an ambulance as well?"..NO,I need to go home & sit by a heater.As soon as I get to my door,nearly 10 minutes have passed but help had arrived.I was a hurting unit.I put on  warm shoes ,a coat,went back,asked if he's o.k.,He'll be fine now.Rewarding?This past week,I'm not sure,family,friends & neighbors tell me what a fool I was,I could have have been murdered,there might have been a gang or killer out there,"I wouldn't have gone out there", other "MEN" have said.Today my feet are very red,& tingling,Dr.says I'll be o.k..I feel left hanging by "How is he?","What really happened?"I called the Citizen Action Center & asked,the real answer to your question:Are we:Legally obligated to help someone in distress or Morally obligated,or not at all?They didn't know,however I could make a formal complaint against the Police for a slow response time.Rewarding? I don't know.In '96 my Mom & I ran into burning home to save 7 sleeping children whose parents were away,& got Sh#t from the Fire Marshal for pulling such a dangerous stunt,putting our lives at risk!..I would do it all again,cause it's in me!

  9. Depending on the situation, if you put yourself at jeopardy to save another even at the cost of your own.  The integrity that person would have is admired.  These days there are so many people who don't want to get involved in situations when someone needs help.

  10. because they are in your debt, their life was in your hands, its like playing god

  11. Because GOD wants everybody to life his life to the fullest by doing what is good and "the flame of love" that HE gave to each one of us must be used in a constructive manner.

    By saving other's life is one of the good deeds and way to use that "flame of love".


  12. It's someone's life....that you saved. That's rewarding and not repayable.

  13. What if you save a two's or three's life?

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