
Why school is for five days and only two for the weekend?

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it's a waist of time to me because the stuff we learn in a week is what we can learn in three days




  1. Lmfao.

    I must agree with Ratchet.

  2. its getting you ready for when you goto work..when you work your going to be working most of the time and not only having weekends off you might work all 7 days

  3. I tend to agree with Ratchet...

    School is like that because when schools try to be no-nonsense and not waste the time that causes you to need the extra days, the same people who complain about going five days a week complain the schools are working the kids too hard.

    It's the other kids that make it five days. Because they goof off for ten minutes before and after each class before the teacher can calm them down, because they waste time with bomb threats and dumb stuff like that, because they throw a fit if they don't get 30 minutes to eat a chicken sandwich,  because they move at a snail's pace to and from their classes, because they talk during class, because they do their work slowly out of laziness, and because they generally just don't actually make an effort to learn. You need two extra days just to make up for all that.

    I've seen private schools that are four days a week and two months less than the public schools here, and the kids come out smarter. However, most kids who go to those schools end up whining that they're being worked too hard.

    And for the record, there ARE schools that are only four days a week in the U.S. There's actually one in a county near me here in VA. There are also some that are 6 or 7 days a week. Be glad you don't live in those places.

    Seriously. If the worst thing you have to complain about is having to go to school five days a week? Good luck in the work world. Try an 8-hour shift. No recess, no 30-minute lunch period, no goofing off between or in classes. Then do that 6 days a week. h**l, try working just a part-time job to help pay bills on top of school- I've been there, and compared to that, seven hours of school, five days a week (which is what it is here) is nothing.

    So, if you seriously want people to believe you can learn in three days what currently takes you five? Why don't you demonstrate the kind of intelligence you SHOULD have from studying for two days more than you need.

  4. Do your homework in the extra time when the teacher's shuffling, during lunch, etc. Then it won't feel like such a waste.

  5. Based upon the way you constructed that sentence and your use of the word "waist" we should probably start going to school all seven days of the week.

  6. i dont get wat ur asking

  7. Because life isn't fair, the same reason I only get 2 months off after 10 months of school. I don't see the problem with how "long" a half hour lunch break is though, I have 4 classes a day 80 minutes long, 2 ten minute breaks and an hour long lunch break. Unless your working a dead end job which school really shouldn't be preparing you for you usually do get weekends off or 2 days off at some point. Some jobs are even 4 on 4 or 2 weeks on one week off which are the ones like mining making good money.

  8. I think it might take more than 3 days for you to pick up anything, judging by your poor grammar.

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