
Why sea is blue in colour and river is not?, why flame is always towards upward?

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Why sea is blue in colour and river is not?, why flame is always towards upward?




  1. You are wrong wonder Guy but the sea is not blue just because of the salt. If that is so then take a glass and add a large amount of salt to it then the water should also turn BLUE………….. isn’t it.

    The color of any object depends upon what wavelength of light it absorbs and what it reflects back. Water does not absorbs any light so appears white, if it has any impurity then that absorbs some light so water appears to change color. If water has plants growing at it’s bottom then it appears to be a bit of green in color.

    In case of sea on shores the water is muddy due to the sand in the water which the waves do not allow to settle down. While as you go far from the shore, the sea bottom is a bit calm, the mud settles but the depth is so much that all the light gets absorbed so it appears to be dark in color. If you go farther where the sea is the deepest there the water will appear black, means that it has absorbed all of the light. Why do you think that the Andaman and Nicobar Islands were called as KALA PANI, just because there the sea is the deepest and the water appears black; rivers on the other hand are not so deep as the sea is so the color depends upon the depth, suspended particles plants at the bottom.

    Flame is towards upwards as a flammable object along with oxygen is needed for fire to burn. At the surface where fire originates air gets heated and hot air is light which moves upwards.

  2. idk where you live, but our waters are brown and you can barely see your feet when you step in (Va Beach, VA)... it's not exactly a sea, but an ocean; however, i think it pretty much covers your point...  if you have ever been to alaska you'd see some crystal clear blue river water, so i guess my point is... you're generalizing and assuming that all river water is not pure, or that all sea water is...  it's all about where you live, the cleanliness of the water and the minerals/compounds in the water that give it its color.

  3. You already had the flame thing answers (hot gas rises)...

    For the sea vs. river:

    check out the wikipedia entry on color of the ocean:

    There are two effects in play. Water absorbed red, and thus looks very slightly blue. But you need a large body of water to see the effect, because the amount of blue is so small for a small volume of water that it is imperceptible. The Ocean blueness is added to by reflection from the sky.

    Essentially it is down to the size of the ocean compared to a river...

  4. the sea and the river r both water and has no color u only see as blue

    and sometimes red cuz it reflets the sky color . try looking at the water and ull see a refletion of ur face that doesn`t mean ur face is there.

  5. About the flame:

    A flame is created by hot gasses that burn. Hot gasses rise up, since they are less dense than normal air. That's why flames are always pointed upwards.

  6. why sentence create you cannot?

  7. All sea are not blue, but mostly it is due to the presence of salt containing compounds of copper, it is seen as blue colored. Rivers also has salts and minerals, but due to it's flow it dissolves the earth and cannot reflect the blue or other salt solution color. But very deep rivers and rivers having low velocity also appears blue from the sky.

    Flame is upward because due to heat, the air above becomes lighter and moves upward along with the flame

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