
Why seriously thinks manly can win the gf??

by  |  earlier

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does des hasler encourage his players to be whinny? seriously we all know orford is by far the most annoying player in the game and during the roosters vs manly after every tackle i would see the manly hooker put his hands up in the air as a protest!!

imo mainly plays best when other teams are weakened i never see them beat a side at their best so thats why i doubt manly can win the gf.

all opinions except for semi con's are valued.




  1. straight answer  NO

  2. I had $1000 on em to miss the top 8 this year @ $4 and it looks like they r gona fluke there way 2 the finals again. 4 some reason teams emplode when they play Manly. They r porbably the worst side in the comp and i agree with every fing u said

  3. never beat a side at their best hey, hmmmmmm lets see that means Manly have beaten NZ, Souths, Eels, Bulldogs, Brisbane, Cowboys, Canberra and Roosters, and all those teams were weakened, I see you've done your research on this one keep up the good work!

  4. the same clown who thought they would win the GF last year

  5. They will make the top four, but that's it.

  6. Who cares - dying game, dying sport

  7. do you have night mares about me or something?

    my comments seem to bother you! you obviously have a glass jaw!

    suck it up! its just an opinion! plus i get a kick out of s*hit stirring you, coz you bite every time!

    now regarding question..... your a sore loser and a hypocrite, your baggin the sea eagles for whining, yet what are you doing..... all coz the chooks lost (your favorite team)


    what drugs are you on? i never bagged chooks for (raping the eels) i said the chooks are more than likely cheating the salary cap!

    maybe you should go back to playing with your pokemon cards eh!

    oh yea what was the score yesterday james?  LMFAO!

  8. Give up on the NSW teams, the Broncos and Cowboys will play off this season. OK, fantasy, but I don't think Manly can make it this year.

  9. Look Manly made it last season and althought the storm showed them up... it doesnt mean they're not a contender... who knows, its half way through the season and a lot can happen between now and then... so lets not think about the GF yet...

  10. i agree they will struggle to finish top 4

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