
Why sexual orientation is such a huge issue for straight people?

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Why sexual orientation is such a huge issue for straight people?




  1. I'm a 100% heterosexual male who live smack dab in the middle of a very large g*y community.

    I could give a flying t**d who screws who.

    g*y people keep my neighborhood nice and clean and the restaurant selection is the best!

  2. There are too many reasons, I used to be somewhat homophobic when I was younger but i've grown out of it.

    It could be because of religion, what they're used to, they could be afraid of homosexuality and there could be some form of insecurity as well. But these are just the most reasons I could think of.

  3. i'm straight, and i don't have an issue, i have loads of g*y/l***o friends

    but yea, it goes back to the bible, and that god made man and woman. not man-man or woman-woman

    and people are afraid of any change...

  4. I think the correct question would be Why sexual orientation is such a huge issue for SOME straight people?

    Not all straight people have a problem with it.

  5. small-minded people fear what they do not understand.

  6. By suggesting all straight people have a huge issue with it you are no different than any other bigot.

  7. religion, family and friends influence, society.

  8. I really don't know why...religion I guess maybe? I am straight and happen to have g*y friends, and I don't see them any different than myself. I think maybe it could be image too, I personally don't care so..

  9. Well I think that goes the other way more.Whare I work I have to listen to the g*y employees talk about their sexual ideals all the time in mixed company.None of the strait people talk about being strait in mixed company.Just be yourself and dont force it on me.

  10. we straight people have problems with g**s because we are jealous that they have a knack for interior decorating.

  11. not all str8 pple are bigots but most of them are...they laugh, hate and throw religion in our faces coz they think they'r perfect and condemning g*y pple while preaching gods love justify their actions and perverted opinions of pple they only know by stereotypes.....  

  12. Sodomy, fornication, and murder used to be against biblical and civil law. Now anything goes. Watch who you vote for.

  13. I guess it goes back to beafraidd of the unknown and fear of people withdifferencessepilepticss used to consideredposs-edd so go figure

  14. Most str8 people could give a care. Per capita, more homsexuals are concerned with g*y and transgendered issues than heteros, it's the vocal fundamentalist opposition you hear most loudly.

  15. should have stayed in the dark ages...

  16. its not for me, if you want to be that way im no gonna say no to it. that more girls for me if they get married.

  17. Because many straight people believe that being straight is the only moral, legal and religious way of being. Little do they know as a whole that g*y people also have high morals have legal issues and can be religious.

  18. mostly religion and family values

  19. Because they are “taught” that it is the “default” sexuality and anyone who does not go with it is a “trouble maker.”

  20. I'm straight, but this isn't an issue at all for me.  I have several g*y friends, and they're great people.  

    As for the churchy, disapproving types, I think they're afraid that you're having more fun than they are.  

  21. The Bible says homosexuality is a immoral way of life. It is a mental health condition and deep down we all are heterosexual. Homosexuality is just a state of mind that must be overcome and what better way than with the grace of God!

  22. insecurity? Religion is not really a strong answer to say this day in age as majority of people dont even have morals..let alone strong religious beliefs

  23. Some people are idiots, i am atright and i dont care. Biologically you are what you are, sexualality is justa bunch of chemicals that occur and react in your body so really people of diffrent sexual oritentation migh just have teir chemicals react diffrently, but its not like its a bad thing. I cool with whatever someone is, as long as they keep it to themselves, i mean i will have a problem if a g*y man trys something with me, but that would be a one on one problem, not me against all g**s. And diffrent sexual oritentation for me is a good thing because it show hw diffrent ways of chemical working and how diffrent results are produced and a whole bunch of scientific stuff. And people against other sexual orientations are either too relgious, completely ignorant idiots, or just afraid of what is diffrent

  24. Religion and the media. It shunns people of the homosexual orientation, which is most def wrong.

  25. They are close minded!  

  26. I don't care,

    people are having s*x, it's good.

  27. i'm hetero, and it's no large issue for me. i figure i only care about the orientation of the person i happen to be boning at the time, lol

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