
Why shias (rafidaah ) get reward on doing Mut'a ?

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Mutah is a temporary Marriage

which could be as short as few hours




  1. I'm not sure, but I think that they r rewarded by their god for this. At least, I heard some of their hadiths to that effect.

    How many of the Ramadan section Rafida'ah r products of muta'a? Come on, don't all of u go on denying it. If it's permitted, many of u must be.

  2. It is truly a disgusting practice of the Shee'ah, but there are better things to spend your time reading about.

    Perfect your Salaat, and learn the proper 'Aqeedah so that you may have the correct worship of Allaah subhanahu wa ta'ala.  We should not only learn who the astray groups are, but the correct beliefs as the Sahaabah held them as well.

  3. Why sunnis Wahabie get reward from Breast Feeding ?

    Ezzat Attiya had issued a fatwa, or religious edict, saying adult men could breast-feed from female work colleagues as a way to avoid breaking Islamic rules that forbid men and women from being alone together.....

    Muta is better than this

    @ maryam

    If shia's are son of Muta'a Its Islamically But

    Your Son / Daughter of ZINA (adultry )

  4. what reward?.....Mut'a is for circumstances like for example a husband has to move to another country for work or financial reasons and cant see his wife for a long time......

    lolz...i have not seen 1 shia muslim practicing mut'a in my life...wth is wrong with you guys?.....lets just dop this topic now....jeez

    Mut'a Mut'a Mut'a......GODDDD


    and yeah exactly what Pro Active said.....why is it always you guys asking questions that cause fitna ?....why do you spend more then half of your energy finding negetivity? have no idea what a bundle of dirt shias can come up with about you guys if they want to...but this has been going on for years and will not get us no where ..... .why not just correct yourself and let people be?....


    stop with your non-sense books.....those books are not more reliable then a shia himself who has spend his life practicing shia islam.....

  5. do you know how easy it is to find dirt about others?

    do you know how much dirt there is to be found with wahabis?

    at least most of us dont spend all of our time trying to find all that dirt, do u see what i mean when i say u guys are addicted to spread fitna and divide the Ummah? can you not see that?

    ok even if that book says that, why do you go around think EVERY SINGLE SHIA  in the world agrees with that?

    what reward do you get for spreading hate and arguments?

  6. muta this.... Muta that.... Just shut your hole

    U always say Shia play takkia  blah blah blah

    I think u r playing takkia

    u say no such thing as wahabi .... Its just a myth LOL

    U know u r a wahabi ... Accept it

  7. Why are you wasting your time with this?

    Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee rahimahullaah advised saying:

    The reality is that exaggeration in these affairs causes the student of knowledge to leave from the boundaries of the truth into argumentation and wasting time which results in no benefit.

    Rather an individual should busy himself with the circles of knowledge. So this [exaggeration that leads to argumentation and wasting of time] is not appropriate! Rather it is binding upon the student of knowledge that he utilizes his time in the obedience of Allaah subhaanahu wa ta’aala, seeking knowledge and being present in the circles of knowledge.

    And there is no problem in listening to the warnings of the scholars about the Hizbees, making clear their traits, such that one can be aware of them. But as for if we dedicate all of our time in speaking about them and not seeking knowledge that will benefit us, then this is no doubt a big and grave mistake!

  8. It's not allowed. They are out of their mind.  

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