
Why should Alberta stay in Canada?

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Alberta is the most prosperous, resource rich province in Canada - with sufficient resources to allow for the population to live standards of living vastly higher than the rest of the country - however every year, billions of dollars are scammed from Alberta by the federal government from transfer payments (the exact amount over the past 30 years has been equal to the amount given to Quebec).

In return, the Federal Government imposes "suit Ontario and Quebec" style policies which are completely out of sync with the values of the common Albertan.

Money taken by the Federal government could go towards improving the Oil Sands environmental footprint, improving infrastructure, or diversifying the economy of Alberta - but instead goes towards paying off Separatists and Ontario.

That being the case, with economic inequality and no real political representation why does Alberta stay in Canada?




  1. Canada, as you know, is a great country.  We don't blow our horn too much, but we know the best kept secret in the world is that we are a marvelous country.  Your description of the federal government (your government too, I add) is limited and quite narrow minded. It is akin to a very self-centred, selfish attitude, something Albertans seem to be nourishing since your province discovered oil.

    A separation of any province would be the beginning of the end of Canada, as we know it.  Your province would have only one place to go, to become a part of the USA. To think you could become a separate nation is foolhardy, given the greed of the USA. And I'm certain corporate executives in Alberta would sell us down the river to the US in a heartbeat

    So get off your arrogant rant and think beyond the borders of your own selfish needs.  Canada is bigger than that.

  2. Because it's a part of Canada.  If you don't like it, move to another country.

  3. We here in the States would be more than happy to bring you into the fold. It would go a long way toward solving our energy crisis...........INVADE ALBERTA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I live in Alberta and lived through the last money grab Ottawa forced on us, It killed us in the 80s we couldn't get a job even if we had a bomb strapped to us. Now we are on the up and coming Ottawa is again after our cash. In the long run we pay more taxes if the economy is strong. But if the government would make it more fair for all the Provence's Alberta wouldn't think about leaving, But all is for Quebec!!

  5. where else would it go?

  6. government all over the good at distributing poverty

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