
Why should Americans have to pay for Illegal aliens' education/health care so rich people don't have to.......

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so that rich people can have cheap labor?




  1. What about legal immigrants...who pay $$$$ just to do it right way. On the other hand 20 mil. illegals want the same rights as Citizens of this country. Is it Mexico, person lives who is 2nd richest in the World?! So Mexico is not that poor. There are laws. They are for a EVERYBODY  FOLLOW THEM.

  2. good question.... the rich dont do nothing but get richer... actually we all tax payers are paying for there education/health care... i went to a hospital ER... they aske me if i was on medicade or what ever it is... or state health.. i said no.. i am not illegally here.. i was born here and i am native american... and I have insurance....

  3. You answered your own question; we should pay so that the rich can get richer. The USA is a "Corporate Republic" The government just bailed out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The middle class is getting squeezed so that the rich can get richer and they (the rich) own the government.

  4. That came from good ol' Milton Friedman - privatize profit and socialize debt.

    I also like Chuck.

  5. no, 99.9% of the illegals that cross over are here to work. they dont ask for all that, all they ask for is salary and to live a better life. if you lived how they live back in mexico or wherever they came from, you would wish upon a star that you could come over here and start a new life. just because you are mad at something else doesnt mean the illegal immigrants should be blamed for it, check yourself.

  6. Do you mean, Emergency Hospital Care, and not Health Care? because that's the only care illegal immigrants can get. If they weren't being taken advantage of by US employers who pay them low wages and don't offer them benefits, you would see less immigrants visiting the emergency rooms. As far as education goes, there are a lot of states the do not allow illegal immigrants to attend, so you don't have to worry about them getting smarter then you now!

  7. The fact is we are fighting multiple wars half way around the world when we have a US Mexico border crisis right in our backyard. Illegals are crossing into the United States everyday at an accelerated rate, taking away US citizen jobs, evading taxes, and pulling money out of our economy into their own. Not to mention the drug smugglers bringing in marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, and other narcotics, creating a tremendous increase in crime.

    The most absurd thing is the fact that right now in the state of California illegal immigrants pay less for college tuition than out-of-state US citizens going to school in California. Does that make any sense at all? Even though they are currently appealing it, it is shocking that it got passed in the first place. We need to withdraw troops from Iraq, get rid of our foreign oil addiction, and perhaps focus on some of the key issues we are having at home (economy? credit crisis? mortgage meltdown? banks failing? ).

  8. We shouldn't have to......but point to a candidate that is planning on doing something about illegal immigration.

    They get labeled as racist bigots as soon as they open their mouths.

    By the way.  I've been looking for a party to change my party affiliation to.  Your avatar gave me that party.  Thanks!

  9. We shouldn't.

  10. We shouldn't have to pay a cent to help illegals!! More and more Americans are waking up and realizing the cost of Illegals and want them gone. Write your senator and congressman to voice your opinion.

  11. We shouldn't but there are a lot of Americans citizens that think we should and that is a shame. They are pro illegals and don't care about our society or country.

  12. I am liking Bob Barr on this issue better.

    I would really like to see him in the debates!

  13. Americans should wake up and boycott economically.

    I seek moral support from Americans for the same situation in the State of Assam in India.

    here, Millions of Illegal Bangladeshi immigrants have changed the Demography of Assam. They have acquired citizenship documents illegally and on the verge of becoming Kingmaker here. 1/3rd of the lagislators in Assam are from the illegal immigrants now. They are the breeding ground of Zehadis also.We want to expell them.

    Lets support each other.

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