
Why should Americans trust Obama on taxes when he can't tell the truth about financing his own campaign?

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he promised to take public funds............he lied, why should I trust him with my money




  1. Keep drinking the "old aid"

  2. He makes me sick.

  3. If you actually READ the tax proposals of BOTH candidates you will realize Obama is offering a BIGGER tax cut than McCain for median income families.

    This does not mean Obama is correct. This just means that Republicans claiming they're going to cut you're taxes is kinda of a lie this year. The only taxes john mccain wants to cut are corporate taxes....I don't think they need anymore tax breaks, how bout you?

  4. They shouldn't, he's a politician. Same with McCain...

  5. How can we trust him on National Security when he needs 3 tries to make a decision.  

  6. Oh, don't worry about that. None of his supporters are.

    Just focus on his exciting personality and riveting speeches. =D


  7. He took plenty of public funds. More than any candidate before him. Where you've been?

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