
Why should Christians tolerate Muslims, who profane Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior?

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Written 500 years after Jesus Christ's ministry, death and resurrection, the Quran states that:

1. Jesus Christ was not the Son of God (019.035)

2. Denies the Trinity (004.171)

3. Denies that Jesus Christ was only a messenger and nothing more (004.171)

4. Denies Jesus Christ's death and resurrection (004.157).




  1. Because as beliefs go.. theirs are NOWHERE near as crazy as your own....

    And because both your religions Whilst fallacies, basically refer to the same god, you tolerate Jews even though they believe there was no Jesus, So Why Not Muslims, You Christians Use The Bible Over Logic, And This is Why You Insist On Condemning Everyone And Everything ...

    The bible is full of paradoxes and contradictions, and yet you think you have any right to disallow people to believe what it says in THEIR holy book...

    If The Bible actually was the word of god, would he not have wrote it himself??

    Why place his words with humans if they could possibly make mistakes when writing it...

    Christians Need To Grow Up And Realize That While Everyone Is Allowed there own beliefs, they'res aren't superior to any ones, and if anything, are inferior...

  2. You know, I think we should build a huge base on the moon, and put all the Muslim and Christian fundies up there, each armed with a Stanley knife,  to fight it out amongst themselves without involving everyone else in their stupid little pissing contest.  The fact that the moon has 1/6 the gravity of Earth will make it just that little bit more interesting.

    Whichever religion still has living members after 24 hours (or however long it takes) gets to be the One True Religion.  Tho' that will, obviously, only apply to the moon base.

  3. you shouldn't just tolerate them, you should love them as well. after all, they're human.

  4. If by tolerate, you mean compromise, then no. Compromise is surrender.

    To accept beliefs not of God is to commit spiritual adultery. It is a denial of God, and His words.

    So many today are "liberal," thinking this is a good thing...they are on shaky ground always. And no Muslim will tolerate or compromise. For them, the door swings but one direction-in their favor.

  5. on the contrary to what you accuse Muslims of, Muslims indeed respect and revere Jesus Christ. Muslims may not believe that he was the son of god nor part of a trinity but that does not mean that they "profane" him.

    on the other hand, Christians do profane Prophet Muhammad every chance they get.

    as for tolerating Muslims, i could care less whether you tolerate me or not. all i ask from you is mutual respect. if i respect you then you ought to respect me.

  6. Same reason they don't tolerate the Jewish faith.

    So they don't believe Jesus was the son of God.... Only ONE religion believes that.

  7. We should NOT tolerate it. We can love them and pray for them. But we dont have to tolerate heresy.

  8. I don't tolerate it.

    I think their regard for "prophet Jesus" is manipulative.  

    "We respect Jesus, so you should respect Mohammad."

    Uh, no.  I doubt they'd be happy if I said I respect Mohammad, but he's actually a goddess, and a fairy in a strawberry patch told Jerry Springer that the Muslims were tricked into thinking Mohammad is something SHE is not.

    They do not respect Jesus, they respect lies about Jesus, which isn't worthy of any Christians respect.

  9. Lets start a holy war.....oh wait....

  10. Should I not be tolerated because I "profane" Jesus by stating that I do not believe he ever even existed?

    Hey, at least they agree with you that he was actually HERE at one point.

  11. Jesus said, if you love only those who love you what credit is that to you, do not the muslims do the same?

    We are told to love thy neighbor..ALL of them, not just the ones you fancy. I'm not a fan of Islam either, but I won't condemn them for their denial. We are supposed to bring them the gospel, God will do the rest.

  12. Tolerate? How about us tolerate you stating a prophet is God? Its a two way street. Difference being I take no offense to you or your worship and believe you are free to do it and the word "Tolerate" is not something I use in my vocabulary when referring to others and there worship. I could state many offensive things but I dont want or need to offend anyone to be strong in my faith. I feel no need to blow out anyone elses candle in order for mine to shine brighter, shame you do though. Tolerate? How dare you!

    We love and respect Jesus (pbuh) and you dont own Jesus (pbuh). He is a prophet of God a messenger the Messiah and we follow him and respect him also.

    God says he has no begotten son. If you want to say he has your free.

    God says that Jesus (pbuh) did not die, if you believe otherwise your free. But dont tell me what I can believe please its condescending and immature.

    I am not anti christian and no of not a single other Muslim who is also but you sure sound anti Islamic, what about Love thy neighbor? Is that only if your neighbor is not a Muslim?

    If anyone wants to know about the Quran I suggest they read it not some propaganda, bigoted, hate filled web site.

    My mother is a christian are you suggesting I am to be Anti my mother?

    Please grow up and the only tolerating you need to be worrying about is staring back at you in the mirror every single day.

    Peace to you ...

  13. This Christian does not tolerate it!!

  14. Most Muslims were born to Muslim parents.  Do you expect them to be Christian brought up in a Muslim society?

    In just the same way most Christians were brought up in a Christian society.

    Are you intolerant of someone because of the religion of their parents?

    If so it shows what a bigot you are.

  15. For the same reason all the other religions (non-religions) in the world have to tolerate yours and the personal bigotry that comes with some of its practitioners.

  16. It is our job as christians to love our neighbors no matter what they believe. It is not our job to judge anyone. That task is left only to god. It is okay to have your own beliefs and opinions but to not tolerate a group of people simply because they believe something different is stupid. What people choose to believe is between them and god.

  17. my brother we muslim do not believe in jesus as the son of god , because it is essantial in our faith to admith that god is one and only has no son no daughter , no wife .

    but we do honor jesuis "peace be upon him ' as one of the prophets of god "ALLah" we believe in his miraclous birth by avirgin mother '  the virgin lady mariam " and thereis awhole suraa in the quran about his brith and his life , also he is in our faith one of the 4 special prophets "Noah , moses , jesuis,muhmmed' and they are special because they suffer alot from thier people , and tolerate alot.and we believe that he was not crossed but left by god to the heaven so he wasnot tortued, and me brother read these verses to how  is quran talking about jesuis"

    1. Kâf­ Hâ­Yâ­'Aîn­Sâd.

    [These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'ân, and none but Allâh (Alone) knows their meanings].

    2. (This is) a mention of the mercy of your Lord to His slave Zakariya (Zachariah).

    3. When he called out his Lord (Allâh) a call in secret,

    4. Saying: "My Lord! Indeed my bones have grown feeble, and grey hair has spread on my head, And I have never been unblest in my invocation to You, O my Lord!

    5. "And Verily! I fear my relatives after me, since my wife is barren. So give me from Yourself an heir,

    6. "Who shall inherit me, and inherit (also) the posterity of Ya'qûb (Jacob) (inheritance of the religious knowledge and Prophethood, not the wealth, etc.). And make him, my Lord, one with whom You are Well-pleased!".

    7. (Allâh said) "O Zakariya (Zachariah)! Verily, We give you the glad tidings of a son, His name will be Yahya (John). We have given that name to none before (him)."

    8. He said: "My Lord! How can I have a son, when my wife is barren, and I have reached the extreme old age."

    9. He said: "So (it will be). Your Lord says; It is easy for Me. Certainly I have created you before, when you had been nothing!"

    10. [Zakariya (Zachariah)] said: "My Lord! Appoint for me a sign." He said: "Your sign is that you shall not speak unto mankind for three nights, though having no bodily defect."

    11. Then he came out to his people from Al-Mihrâb (a praying place or a private room, etc.), he told them by signs to glorify Allâh's Praises in the morning and in the afternoon.

    12. (It was said to his son): "O Yahya (John)! Hold fast the Scripture [the Taurât (Torah)]." And We gave him wisdom while yet a child.

    13. And (made him) sympathetic to men as a mercy (or a grant) from Us, and pure from sins [i.e. Yahya (John)] and he was righteous,

    14. And dutiful towards his parents, and he was neither an arrogant nor disobedient (to Allâh or to his parents).

    15. And Salâmun (peace) be on him the day he was born, the day he dies, and the day he will be raised up to life (again)!

    16. And mention in the Book (the Qur'ân, O Muhammad  , the story of) Maryam (Mary), when she withdrew in seclusion from her family to a place facing east.

    17. She placed a screen (to screen herself) from them; then We sent to her Our Ruh [angel Jibrael (Gabriel)], and he appeared before her in the form of a man in all respects.

    18. She said: "Verily! I seek refuge with the Most Beneficent (Allâh) from you, if you do fear Allâh."

    19. (The angel) said: "I am only a Messenger from your Lord, (to announce) to you the gift of a righteous son."

    20. She said: "How can I have a son, when no man has touched me, nor am I unchaste?"

    21. He said: "So (it will be), your Lord said: 'That is easy for Me (Allâh): And (We wish) to appoint him as a sign to mankind and a mercy from Us (Allâh), and it is a matter (already) decreed, (by Allâh).' "

    also from the same suraa28. "O sister (i.e. the like) of Hârûn (Aaron) [not the brother of Mûsa (Moses), but he was another pious man at the time of Maryam (Mary)]! Your father was not a man who used to commit adultery, nor your mother was an unchaste woman."

    29. Then she pointed to him. They said: "How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?"

    30. "He ['Iesa (Jesus)] said: Verily! I am a slave of Allâh, He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet;"

    31. "And He has made me blessed wheresoever I be, and has enjoined on me Salât (prayer), and Zakât, as long as I live."

    32. "And dutiful to my mother, and made me not arrogant, unblest.

    33. "And Salâm (peace) be upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive!"

    34. Such is 'Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary). (it is) a statement of truth, about which they doubt (or dispute).

    35. It befits not (the Majesty of) Allâh that He should beget a son [this refers to the slander of Christians against Allâh, by saying that 'Iesa (Jesus) is the son of Allâh]. Glorified (and Exalted be He above all that they associate with Him). When He decrees a thing, He only says to it, "Be!" and it is.

    alsalam alkom

  18. Jesus wants us to love everyone, even those we don't agree with. I guess you missed that part of the Bible.

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