
Why should Clinton apologize?

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Why should she apologize for citing RFK assassination as a reason to continue her campaign? This is her PERSONAL reason for continuing. If her reason to continue was to stop the sale of bubblegum - thats HER business!




  1. i think we should boycott clinton that includes saying her name in anyway

  2. Can no one put anything into historical perspective? Oh, that's right, if it didn't occur during the time I have existed on earth, then it must not be relevant. To the young Obama followers, the world does not revolve around your generation. There are many Democrats whose experience with the party shapes the way they see events in this election. Quit being so offended about everything.

  3. In 2000, Craig Kilborn was forced to apologize about a joke about assassinating candidate Bush.

    The media will be especially sensitive about jokes in regard to Obama.

  4. I agree with you.

    I was an RFK volunteer in 1968. No one would have believe he would be murdered after the murders of  his brother and MLK. It was stunning and it force the Democratic party into chaos.

    Some of the outraged Obama supporters don't seem to understand the similarities in this election and that one.

  5. Clinton is a very smart, calculating politician. She could have used other references to speak to the June Primary, two weeks ago she spoke about getting "the hard working, white vote."  than today she makes the assassination reference.  I am further convince that she is blinded with power and she would do or say anything to win this primary.  

       Further for you to not find this offensive is rather strange, and insensitive to African Americans that express fear of the Obama being assassinated like Martin L. King, Mal come X and Medger Evers.  All three are individuals that went against the grain to take a stand.

  6. I thought her reason was because she wanted to show that women are not quitters.  Now, she pulls this out of her **** 11th hour.  What an insult to all of us!

  7. This is the 1st I've heard of this. If that's the reason, go for it ba-bee. At least she's not continuing to further the cause of white hate(as Obama says we the people are-what a truly dangerous man he is!)

  8. What is with you Clinton supporters? Does she get a pass on everything?

  9. I Agree... People like to hurry up and judge others, when they themselves are NOT perfect. It's just a sad way of feeling like they have an argument when in all reality, they know stink about politics!

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