
Why should Fast Food be banned from High Schools?

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Should Public High Schools Supplement Their Operating Costs By Allowing Fast Food Restaurants On Campus




  1. I hate fast food,

    we should have fruits and veggies :D

  2. The fact that schools allow fast food restaurants to serve in their cafeterias disgusts me. 1 in 4 children in America are obsese. If school is supposed to teach not only academics but life lessons, I think nutrition now more than ever is extremely important. What kind of message does that send to kids?

  3. in america the amount of obese people are increasing every day.

    american are getting too fat

    and 1/3 of t6he ppl who are not fat is cuz of surgery,.

    me personally as a chunky girl believe that is good because in school you tend to eat more cuz  u are with ur friend in lunch and talking and are distracted just munching away.

  4. No way jose! America is getting fatter because of the artificial &@%# or (c**p) we are making so convenient. Atleast when American go to fast food places they have to walk to their car now we're just putting it right in front of them! Most people are just to lazy and eat what ever is cheapest and fastest unlike me who has given up on fast food for years and became a vegetarian. So no I don't believe it's a good Idea to put cheap $%&@ in front of some lazy @#$ kids that won't eat food that isn't as fatty or greasy or what ever health food that they have for lunch in high school if anything healthy is even served their! STOP FAST FOOD!!!!!!

  5. Because it is very unhealthy

  6. we dont need fatty food in school! i think we should only eat Fruits and vegetables! and some VEGAn food!

  7. well there are alot of fat kids around i do think it would be best to find an alternative to burgers and fries.

  8. This should be up to parent associations and each school should make the decision individually.  Either allowing or banning it across an entire jurisdiction is unfair to members of any particular school.

    I would say that fast food restaurants should be banned from schools but if parents want to allow their kids to purchase fast food that could be brought with them to school...I wouldn't have a problem with that.

    The reason I would be in favour of a ban on fast food establishments in schools (by individual schools) is because eating habits are learned when we are young.  While our metabolisms may be fast when we're younger, they slow down as we get older and thus bad foods that we ate when we were younger may have detrimental and noticeable effects on our health as we age if we don't change our eating habits.

    Not only do they slow down as we get older, eating fast foods early on in life can actually speed that process up so that by the time you're 16 or so, you have the metabolism of a 40 year old and suffer increased weight, potential heart problems and so on.

    Yes fast food should be banned but this should be up to each individual school to do so.  The freedom to allow parents to let their kids eat as they see fit should also be maintained and so only a ban on fast food establishments should be acceptable, not a blanket ban on fast food in general.

  9. It's a bad idea because students would always go for the cheaper easier to get food, and they would get fat like so many other Americans that already eat way too much fast food.

  10. Fast Food should be banned with the exception of the triple double delux Big Mac with extra cheese.

  11. they should not be banned, parents need to recognize their fault in allowing a child to become obese. Do not let your kid sit around all day, put them in a sport. If they do not like sports then at least enroll them in some kind of physical activity class a few times a week ( i am sure the Y offers free ones). I ate complete c**p when I was a kid ( i am talking fast food at least once per day, tons of soda and candy) but I played tennis so I was average weight.

  12. Because schools are a place of teaching and learning, and having junky, fatty, non-nutritious food served at schools teaches kids that these food choices are OK every day.  Kids learn that these choices are good ones, when they clearly are not!

    Fast food chains?  G*d no!  The processed food in most school cafeterias is bad enough as it is without adding big corporate logos and branding and marketing into the picture!

  13. Sure...let me explain.  Let's say Subway for instance.  If a school could supplement their operating costs by allowing Subway to run a location on their campus than I would be all for it.  Think about it.  Some schools have cut P.E. programs or some sports programs because guessed it MONEY!!!  It costs a lot to feed those kids.  If the school played their cards right they could supplement their costs while also providing nutritious lunches for their students.

    Other fast food establishments are now on board of the nutrition wagon.  I wouldn't be opposed to my son having even a McDonalds in his school.  The reason why:  because even at the age of four I have taught my son the importance of eating healthy.  When I ask him if he wants apples or french fries....guess what....he chooses the apples!!!!  Every now and again I would allow french fries, but HE CHOOSES the apples w/low fat caramel sauce instead.  I taught him well. have to teach your kids.....stop blaming the fact that your kid is fat on McDonalds, Burger King, Pizza Hut...etc.    

    Almost all "fast food" restaurants have healthy choices these days.  Whether it's in your kids shool or you drive through the bottom line is make better choices and teach your kids the same.  Sure, splurge every once in a while that's okay.

    Better yet....cook at home....pack your kids lunch.....come on Parents.....let's fix this problem.......are you with me????

  14. in my high school, the pop machines are off during school hours. i am 5'5'' and 120 lbs why am i being punished because i dont become a heifer when i drink pop? i normally have 3 or 4 pepsis a day and i keep my figure tone. i dont do any sports or work out. i beleive that people who are fat lards a re ruining it for the rest of us normal sized americans. there should be a card that skinny people like me can use to access pop machines during the day and there ought to be weight requiremants to have one. this question really opened my eyes to whats going on around me evn if i dont get best answer, u helped me see that i am being persecuted for being healthy wtf? and god bless

  15. A child is still growing as it is entering high school.  If schools continue to allow the consumption of fast food, that last growth spurt could be halted, weight gain would be tremendous and the child will never know how to eat healthy, therefore producing obese and unhealthy children who will follow in their same footsteps.  By introducing more healthy alternatives to a child's favorite or comfort foods (i.e. nacho chips topped with chili and low fat sour cream rather than "the works"), you pave the way for them to make healthier choices on their own in the future.  Food that's "good for you" should taste as good as the bad stuff, otherwise a child will just naturally migrate back to the heavy fattening foods.  It's all psychological.  If a child knows exactly what is put in their food, they are less likely to try it before they say they don't like it.

  16. it shouldnt be banned just cut down because Britain is getting too many obese children.

  17. Because it's unhealthy.

  18. Because America is obese.

  19. I wouldn't have a problem with it. Teenagers are old enough to make healthy eating choices. Elementary/junior high kids are too young. But high schoolers can drive at 16 and if they want fast food they will get it, whether in school or elsewhere. Also...some fast food restaurants actually have things that are good for you.

  20. nothing, people have a choice what to eat, they should inforce learning about healthy eating if anything.(Well it is a school.)Cause what are they going to do when they leave school, Still make those choices? possibly.

  21. fast food shouldn't be sold at highschool. it makes the kids crabby and lazy. fresh fruits and veggies and water will keep the kids brains going longer and they'll be more healthy. fast food shouldn't be an everyday thing.

  22. Garbage shouldn't be served on campus, the high court ruled in favor of that when they banned the teaching of creationism and ID in science classes.

  23. Cuz its unhealthy, and makes u fat!

  24. Well let me think... It shouldn't. Wanna hear something really stupid? The schools waste so much money. At my high school we can get a plate of fries for lunch and pop at a different line that only takes cash. The line that serves actual meals, you HAVE to take a milk. One time I told the lunch lady I was just going to throw it away and she still made me take it. How retarded. Instead of worrying about junk food, we need to focus on how much food is wasted a day.

  25. i think fast foods should be banned. too many kids re too busy to actually pack a nice and healthy lunch from home so when they r hungry hey buy junk at school. thats y there are too many obese kids in school

  26. because Americas youth is becoming obese even though i see allot of people my age still skinny.

  27. Being that America already has the highest rate of obesity, fast foods should be banned not only because it is unhealthy but because students should have the right to healthier food choices as an alternative. As a result, students may more than likely be more self conscience about  practicing healthier eating habits into adulthood. Unfortunately, in America it is all about the money...

  28. Obesity - They should be served healthier foods so they don't become overweight.

  29. High school children needs to know the effects of long term fast food. They need to know the imortance of fruits and vegetables.

  30. I think that obese people r lazy f**s who need to get off their butt and work out...theirs no reason to be fat.

  31. Its the students choice reither they eat it or not, it has nothing to do with the schools supplement. If students are not supplied with food they like, they won't eat, which creates health problems also.

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