
Why should Guantanamo Bay remain open?

by Guest62148  |  earlier

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Why should Guantanamo Bay remain open?




  1. Because extraordinary rendition is good for the soul.


  2. It shouldn't. It's outlived its Purpose. It's time to Shut It Down.

  3. The USA cannot torture people on American soil and get away with what they do there.!!

  4. Guantanamo Bay should remain open to act as holding facility the terrorists from Iraq are resolved.

  5. Because the enemy has not called off the war

  6. Its a place to hold prisoners of war

  7. because its outside of the country and i wouldn't want terrorist here in our country . if they would get lose there would be lives at stake we are talking about trained killers who hate us with a passion . even before 911 we had bombings and American soldiers were killed so this is evidence that it needs to be kept open but knowing the Dem's it will be a tourist attraction next year

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