
Why should Homeschooling be abolished?

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its for a reasearch project




  1. It shouldn't be. People's choices should not be abolished unless proved a serious threat to people or society. Homeschooling research has proven that homeschooling can work, there are many successful homeschoolers who've gone on to college, jobs, their own businesses, and lived normal and fulfilling lives.

    Plus, there is absolutely no proof that the schools can do a better job for everyone. Many kids are successful who go to school, but there are many who are not-- enough to show us that school is not the best course for everyone. People need another option when one isn't working.

  2. It should not be. For many people, like me, homeschool is the only viable educational alternative. If you could see what I've seen and go through the public school horrors my child has been through, you'd do everything in your power to protect a parents right to educate their child as they see fit.

    We HS and we love it!

  3. Its shouldn't if thats how people learn, you can change that and its in place for a reason.

  4. It shouldn't,  that would be a mistake

    You should never take away someones right that is already in place

  5. It shouldn't be. I think that home schooling is the greatest thing that ever happened to some people. You can learn at your own pace, it's not as stressful, and as long as you get your grade's work completed by the end of the year then why is there any reason to abolish it? A lot of people like public schooling, and that's fine, but home schooling can be a really good thing...

  6. it shoodnt imma be cuz my grades r goin down all i do is fight to live and all america is today is popularity if ur not popular ur gonna threatened to git jumped

  7. It shouldn't...otherwise kids growing up out here would have no access to education at all.

    Abolished or not, legal or not, parents here will continue home-educating their kids because that is what parents here do.

    ('cept the financial implications for the gov't mean it will never be abolished here)

  8. It shouldn't be.  Just look at the state of public schools and the cost of private schools.

  9. I don't think homeschooling should be abolished. I believe it would be against our innate rights as parents and against our freedom as citizens of democratic countries if governments were to abolish homeschooling.

    If there is something inherently wrong with homeschooling, it should never have existed in the first place. Yet we have great minds, the likes of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison, who were educated at home; the US has had many presidents, including most recently Franklin and Theodore Roosevelt (home tutored, even if not "homeschooled", strictly speaking), many scientists, authors, philosophers and more, all home educated.

    There is no proof, and there never will be, that homeschooling is detrimental. Some researchers at a university in the US had set out to prove that homeschooling was a bad idea, both socially and academically. They couldn't prove it and instead became convinced of its validity. Many come in this forum and state all kinds of supposed lacks in homeschooling yet not once have there been stats to support the assertions, as far as I've seen. Yet there are various organizations out there whose research shows over and over again that over all, homeschooled children do at least as well, often better, than their schooled peers.

    Most of what people specifically say against homeschooling is really due to parenting, which means that if anything should be abolished, it's the root of the homeschooling problem: parenting. You really don't think parents should be abolished, do you?

  10. It threatens the financial future of teachers and brick school administrators who might end up unemployed, on welfare or working at K-Mart.

  11. I don't think home schooling should be abolished... but I don't think that just anyone should be able to home school their children.  There should be requirements from the parents to make sure that they are qualified, motivated and dedicated to ensuring that their children receive an excellent education.  Also, there should be guidelines that need to be followed to ensure the safety, health and mental well being of the children involved...  (Unfortunately there are some parents who decide to home school just to shelter their children from the world and convince their children that their peers are drug users and s*x crazed maniacs... and have selfish motives behind their decision to home school... like my relative who has his 9 year old working at the family business instead of sending him to school to explore his own likes or options for his own future)

  12. It should not be

    Homeschooling is a freedom that everyone has, it is a freedom to teach what should be taught in school. Homeschooling goes back to early America (maybe even before) were there were no schools around to educate school age children.

  13. parents could brainwash their children.

  14. Well! Theres a bad idea. The freedom of educational choice is protected in the Constitution. I don't think any one has the right to abolish it. That being said I think the public system should be done away with as it is and completely revamp the whole educational process! Think how wonderful it would be if your education didn't come completely from books. How great would it be if 50% of the average school day was hands on learning about something that truly interests the child?

    Reasons for it to be abolished. Can't think of any!

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