
Why should I VOTE when it sounds like Iowa and NH are the deciding states.?

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All I've been hearing about is what the people in Iowa and New Hampshire are thinking about doing. I live in GA. Does my vote even count. I don't want to waste my time voting if Iowa and NH sound like they control the outcome.




  1. Because no matter how cynical the whole process seems, politicians pay attention to those people who vote.  Vote, get services. Don't vote, don't get services.  Pretty self-interested, but true.

  2. Okay, so who are the nominees?

  3. If you do not vote, you have given up your "rights". Your vote does count, especially if it is a close election. When many people feel that their vote doesn't count, they give away the election process to those who are willing to go out and vote. There are too many things being controlled by the minority due to the majority not caring enough to change it.

  4. They don't decide anything.  All they do is start a bandwagon.  People don't have to get on any bandwagon.

    Vote for the candidate of your choice.

    Edit:  I am embarassed by my countryman Antoni who can't even spell Hilary's name properly.  Many of us are much better informed than that.

  5. Iowa and New Hampshire don't decide the election, but they do give a candidate a boost "right out of the gate". Usually -- not always, but usually -- the guy who is the fastest at the start eventually wins.

  6. if everyone in georgia thinks like you ... then there will be a problem!!! haha VOTE my friend

  7. Here in Canada we vote so that we have a right to complain, If we don't vote we are told to mind our own business in  regards to political ideals or suggestion.


    1 vote would have stopped Hilter, 1 vote for a Roman Caesar, lorts of 1 vote could change the outcome

    I would vote for hillery.. hehe she rocks!!

  8. The head hauchos are HOPING you believe what happens with Iowa and New Hampshire WILL keep you from voting.  That is the trouble with our system, people get to the point of saying "WHY SHOULD I VOTE", "WILL MY VOTE COUNT"????  Of COURSE your vote counts!!!

    Sometimes it only takes ONE vote to make the difference!!!

  9. NH and iowa are only the deciding states of the rest of us fail to use our own brains and vote the way we think is best instead of following the herd

    just because a candidate wins an early state does not mean that they will win the whole match

  10. Hey neighbor. Did you hear what the Democrats told the Florida voters? You votes will not count because we don't want you to vote on the date you decided to vote. Now who is stopping who's votes from counting?

  11. If you are serious about this question, the country would be better off if you didn't vote. Do some civics studies and re-visit this next election.

  12. Believe it or not every vote does count... just think.. Hilter got in by just 1 vote.

  13. Vote whenever your state primary is.

  14. If you don't vote, they will be.

  15. No they don't. In his first run for president Clinton lost them both. Remember Howard Dean winning Iowa last time? And Bush's first run Mc cain won one of them and Bush still won. It's been a while since a nonincumbant won both and the White House or even their party's nomination for that matter.

  16. It used to be that way, now these states are just a barometer.

  17. You vote no matter what, Iowa and NH are just guessing, and it is your actual vote that counts. Do you not remember the 2000 presidential election, and how close the vote was? Besides thousands of American Soldiers have fought and died for your right to vote, and if you do not vote then those soldiers died for nothing.

  18. If you do not vote , you are allowing some one else to speak for you.

    Voting is a right that many have fought and died for, in many area of the world they still are fighting and dying to get that right, research carefully and make your choice.

    Discuss this with your friends and bring them to vote.

    I have seen some vote in districts that were won by very few votes, yours and those you engage could be the difference.

    If you choose not to vote, do not ever complain about the governement you get.

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