
Why should I be sorry I got a GED and I had a learning disability.?

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I did very poorly on standardized tests,I was in special ed in the 70s and was never taught how to read and do Math.I was only going to get a certificate

of completion.Now I am reading GEDs are not

worth the paper they are on.I agree it is not as

good as the real thing,I could not get the real thing.

Special ed was a joke in 60s and 70s. With a

290 reading and 310 math on College SATs I

can kiss college goodbye. I was labled severly

learning disabled and hang it up. I got Cs and Bs

in special ed but they are not the same as regular

class Cs and Bs. I feel I was set up for failure

down the road. Should I be sorry I went for a GED

now that I am reading they are not worth muc on the web?




  1. Do you have a true learning disability or are you thinking you were mislabeled?  I am thinking you are thinking you are mislabeled. You seem to think you are capable of doing more.  If so, you should have an educational specialist test you to make sure you truly have a LD.

    Special education is not designed to set children up for failure. If anything your are supposed to be getting a thorough education at your appropriate grade level so that you can succeed.  Also remember that we all learn in different ways and the classroom you were in may not focused on the type of learning/intelligence you have (see Howard Gardner's theory on multiple intelligences). Don't let inferiority and insecurity with what someone else labeled as a LD stop you from moving forward in life. and the last time I checks A B is a B and a C is a C no matter where you get them and a B is above average and a C is average. there are people who would kill for those grades!

    If getting your GED is the best way for you to go, have faith in yourself and don't let us college educated idiots make you feel less than deserving of any success that you have worked hard for.  What really matters is how you do in the work place and how well you receive the training.  If you are confused about career direction you should take with your "LD"  see a career counselor or read "What Color is my Parachute?" or :"Do What You Are". Don't forget to treat yourself like a regular human being.  

    Remember, Chris Rock received his GED. Steven Spielberg and Bill gates didn't even graduate from college. Michael J. Fox didn't graduate from high school.  Happens.  What matters now is what you're going to do with the rest of your life. I think you will be fine:)

  2. you shouldnt be ashamed. its perfect to have a GED. thats the same as getting your traditional diploma. and you could still go to college or trade school. My brother have his GED and he go to GIBBS. you could to.

  3. You can still take college classes with a GED.

    My son did.

    The "failure " would be in not trying.


    Had to call my son for some information, since he used this program, when he was 18, 12 years ago.

    Here it is.

    There is a little known educational program, which is funded by the Federal Government.  It is a vocational rehabilitation service and it's free, to anyone who qualifies, from age 16 to ?. The Federal government pays 80% of the cost and the State pays 20%.

    It will be listed under your States name, followed by Vocational  Rehabilitation.

    The program is for any qualified person, with a disability; amputee, ADD, ADDH, hearing impaired, OCD, Bi-Polar, etc.

    You need to contact the office nearest you and make an appointment to talk to a counselor. Once you have filled out the application, you will be sent for testing and evaluation to find out how much you know and which areas you need help in, in order to pass the GED. They pay for the testing and evaluation and the GED test.

    Once you have the GED, which they pay for, they will help you pay for any college or trade school courses, of your choosing.

    They paid for my sons college books, gas mileage, medications and offered to pay for lodging, if he chose to move away from our home, during his studies.

    If college is not for you, they will help you find a trade school.

    My son did 1 year in a community college and decided he wanted to get into heavy duty equipment (bulldozer operator, like my dad) and they paid for it. He's much happier outdoors.

    To other answerers:

    If you, and/or anyone you know, need(s) this service, please, take advantage of it and/or pass this information on to that person.

    As a tax payer, I would like to know that my tax dollars have helped to better someone's life instead of lined someones pocket.

    Good luck, to all.

  4. A GED is actually perfectly fine as long as you don't have ambitions to be a doctor or lawyer.  A GED will grant you admission to college and most employers look at a GED the same way they would a high school diploma.  I work for a financial bank and don't have a high school diploma.

  5. A GED is better than nothing and can still get you into college and union jobs.

  6. I'm really sorry you feel you were set up for failure.  I hope we're more enlightened today and that more children are successful.  You've posted many questions like this with the same theme.  Maybe if you talk to a counselor you will be able to get past this and they can help you decide in which direction you want to go.  It's never too late to go back to school or get training, or even just take some classes for fun.  Best of luck to you.

  7. Colleges are required to accommodate your learning difficulties if you have been tested and identified as being learning disabled. I really hate calling it learning disabled and i dislike "special" education even more. I am sure you are very smart and if tested you would probably be surprised. You learn differently. unfortunately our education system in the 60's and 70's was not equip to give you the appropriate remediation. It has come a long way, but not enough. Be proud you have your GED and if you want to go to college you go for it. Once you have an AA degree your GED will not hold you back at all. Good luck.

  8. what's wrong with a GED?  now you need to enroll at a community college and follow thru with your education.  look into a tech program and pursue your degree over the next few years.

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