
Why should I become a christian when I see on here that they are filled with nothing but hate?

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From what I see on here Christan's are filled with nothing but hate. I don't want that. My life is filled with happiness and love so why on earth would I want to leave that behind to became a christian and have nothing but hatred all of the time?




  1. Many people who claim to be Christians are not truly Christians.  If someone is not acting the way that Jesus would act, they are not conducting themselves the way that they should be.  Please do not judge all of us based on the bad behavior of some who call themselves Christian, but do not live as though they are.

  2. I don't see what you see here. I see many loving, caring, compassionate, and hopeful Christians. Christ came to show us how to love. God is love. We are not to be filled with hate but with love.

    Maybe you see  the people who think they are Christians or are pretending to be Christians. They are here as they are everywhere in the world.

    "I am conscious that after I am gone, evil wolves will come in among you, doing damage to the flock;"

    Acts 20:29

    "Examine yourselves to see whether you are still in the Christian faith. Test yourselves! Don't you recognize that you are people in whom Jesus Christ lives? Could it be that you're failing the test?"

    2 Cor 13:5

    "Now, it is my desire, brothers, that you will take note of those who are causing division and trouble among you, quite against the teaching which was given to you: and keep away from them. For such people are not servants of the Lord Christ, but of their stomachs; and by their smooth and well-said words the hearts of those who have no knowledge of evil are tricked."Romans 16:17-18

    "If any man gives different teaching, not in agreement with the true words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the teaching which is in agreement with true religion, He has an over-high opinion of himself; being without knowledge, having only an unhealthy love of questionings and wars of words, from which come envy, fighting, cruel words, evil thoughts, Bitter talk of men who, being evil in mind and dead to what is true, take the faith to be a way of making profit. But true faith, with peace of mind, is of great profit:

    1 Tim 6:3-6

    Love is what God in Christ has called us to. Love for all, not just for those who are kind to us, but for all. So that what we have as Christians will show those who do not believe, that Christ is indeed the way to hope and life abundant.

  3. Try the Catholic goes back to the time of Jesus and the apostles.  Read the Church fathers -- Polycarp, Irenaeus, Origen, Jerome (and many others) to see what they believed and how they practiced the faith.  To study the Church fathers is to cease being Protestant.

  4.      Who says you should become a Christian?  I don't think it's fair to say that Christians are hate-filled, though.  The problem is that fundamentalist Christians leave no room for compromise.  They believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God.  They come out with things like, "We are in this world, but are not of this world."  "Those who are not with us are against us."  "Hate the sin, love the sinner."  And of course that thorny old business about evolution versus the Bible.  They have every right to believe in the Biblical Theory of Creationism.  The problem is that they teach their children this theory, and it's wrong science.  Evolution has been proved time and again, and to teach your children otherwise is very dangerous.

         Fundamentalism is to be seen in Muslim doctrine.  With them, too, there is no room for compromise, and we've all seen what happens because of that.  For people to co-exist, there must be compromise, otherwise we're at each other's throats all the time.

         So if you're happy with your life, that's great.  There's absolutely no reason why you should 'Christianise'  yourself.

         Sorry for the long answer, but stay as you are.

    Good luck

    Mike B


  5. I have a hard time believing your life is filled with love and happiness if you look at other people and see only hate.

    Sorry, in addition to being a Christian, I also possess a degree in Psychology and I am an attorney.

  6. Christians are filled with hate at the fact that deep down they know their religion is utter nonsense. They hate the fact that they have to argue something that quite obviously doesn't make sense. They hate the fact that our atheist arguement is practically flawless. It's nothing personal. They're just misguided fools.

  7. you must run into some strange people who claim to be christian.

    it is not like putting on a coat, it is of the heart...

    it also depends on what the "hate" is toward...hate/dislike of sin and things of sin;

    dislike speeders who cut in and out of traffic and cause danger to other drivers...

    there are some things everyone dislikes that is not a completely christian thing...

    there are others, like the westboro baptist that make being a christian a bad word, which in fact it is a group of nuts...  

  8. You wouldn't. If you hang around here longer you'll see around 90% of the Christians here are incredibly hateful, intolerant, bigoted and intellectually dishonest. A lot of them spread downright filthy lies. Don't believe me? Just stick around for a few days.  

  9. All the Christians in the world are on here?? Since there are 1 billion Catholics in the world alone, I doubt that Yahoo Y&S is the place you should come to make a dicision about what religion you should be. For that matter most of the questions and answers on here are rubbish.  

  10. You have it exactly opposite, if you are referring to following Christ's truest teachings.  In that case you'd have nothing but love all the time - or strive to.

    This might serve everyone - so I offer it as a gift , or dream if you will, for all of you...

  11. true, where is the love that Jesus talked about...

  12. Wow , what a statement to make !!  Do you really think that ALL Christians are typical of the comments from an obvious minority on here. You are like the blinkered horse my friend ; take them off and look around you . Having said that , i feel that you will only see what you want to see.

  13. You shouldn't.

    Join the Atheiati.  No wait, we don't exist.

  14. I have no hate in me at all (and you'd think that I would have)

    I don't know a Christian who is "full of hate". We try to love our neighbours.

  15. Good on you for pointing that out!

    Neither the Christians nor the atheists are putting their best feet forward in this community. It is a shame that when people spit fire, it's almost impossible not to return with fire...

  16. So then you're saying you shouldn't become an atheist, either?

    Lost are you?

  17. Because maybe the area you live in and the media exposes the lunatic fringe. The good stuff is going on all the time all over the world. The Christian faith is all about love, being non-judgemental and  tolerant. You are looking in the wrong places. Mother Theresa was all about that-yet you don't acknowledge her.

  18. That's really just the fundys and stupid Christians. Some of us aren't. Christians are supposed to be filled with love. Some are. You just have to find the right church. *insert subliminal message to join a Christian church* lol. I don't believe half of the hateful stupidity, if any. g**s are not evil. Muslims and atheists are people too. People who haven't heard of Jesus have a chance to get into Heaven (He wouldn't condemn people because they haven't had a chance to learn about Him). I know, I'm no better than the rest, but I do try to be above myself, not to be bogged down in condemning others. I often fail, but I try.

  19. Yahoo! Answers is not a good reflection of Christ and it never will be. Very few of us are Christ-like but we do try. I hope that you meet some Christians who are perfect.

  20. Notall of them are like that. Many atheists and other non Christians are also frustrated.

  21. It is nothing new .........

    The fighting started at the last supper and has never stopped since

    Look at other religions.  Are they all lily white clean?

    Muslims have been fighting with each other for years against each other AND with others.

    It's very sad that there is so much fighting going every where.

    Never point a finger at one person ....

    There are more fingers pointing back at you.



  22. Good question.  Intellectually I know that the religion is not about hate but it seems that a large percentage of its practitioners focus more on "God told me to hate you" than any other aspect of the religion.

  23. The reason that you should do something in the matter of your relationship with God has NOTHING to do with anyone else.

    When it's time to stand before the judgment of God, no one will be there with you or for you except Christ.  

    It's up to YOU to accept the gift of everlasting life.  Don't worry about what others do.

  24. try  different  religions.  see what  u  like. or  it  could  be  a combo-  taking  parts  u  like  frm different  religions!

    eg  i  like  nature  friendly  wicca!  karma  &vegetarianism of hinduism!

  25. I agree the hateful ones are the worst, but I wouldn't tar them all with the same brush.

    Some of them really do seem to see hatred and intolerance as virtues.  They see themselves as hating the sin but not the sinner (which always makes me roll my eyes).  The problem is that sin isn't the cut and dried thing they seem to think it is.

  26. The true Christian hates only evil and sin(Romans.12:9), but will overcome evil with good(Romans.12:21).  But to love is to care for the welfare of others before yourself, and this includes happiness(rejoicing), but it also includes seriousness and great responsibility, because it is a daily warfare of secular principles challenging and oppressing heavenly principles.  The new commandment by Christ, is they that will be true to Him shall love another AS He loved(John.13:34), but if as you said some are only hating, then they do not represent Jesus, but their own self.

  27. Sadly Christians with a loving god seem few and far between on here and most will not speak up for fear of the many bad Christians!

    But take heart those spouting egotism, hatred intolerance and persecuting non Christians in the name of their god are committing blasphemy and the bible says that it is an unforgivable sin therefore they will only meet god at the final judgment when they are consigned to h**l!!

  28. lol! the fact that you are a christian or atheist has nothing to do with hate, some people are just miserable.

    edit: as clearly shown by all the thumbs down :)

  29. I think that we are miss understood. I don't hate anyone. People on R&S hate us because they don't like what we have to say concerning Jesus Christ.  We are only human and sometimes that interferes with Gods will . That's why we ask for forgiveness. We are not perfect that's why Jesus died for our sins.

  30. Christians study the teachings of Jesus. Some may not understand the message as well as others. I wouldn't blame Christians as a whole, there are a lot of angry teens on this forum who just hate everyone. It's a phase they go through.

  31. First I have to say that I hope you're not just listening to just the fundies and extremists. There are hundreds of religions that fall under the umbrella of Christianity and we don't all agree. Frankly, some of us are quite opposite one another.

    And, as a Christian, I would say that if your life is filled with happiness and love, I don't understand your need to change. Why WOULD you become a Christian. It's not a requirement in order to have a fulfilling life.

    But if you are looking for structure around spiritual issues - you might want to check this out - I got it from a regular here, Phoenix. Sounds wacky, but I checked it out and was very enlightened.

    It's called Belief-O-Matic. I love this. It nailed me. And it's interesting to note the many different studies available - Christian and Non-Christian alike.

    I would say the most important thing is to find what brings you joy and follow that. Then keep an open mind. Because as we live and grow, our needs change. I may not be a Christian in another 20 years. I wasn't for the last 25. This is what supports me the most on my journey right now.

    Good luck to you.  

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