
Why should I become a vegetarian?

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Why should I become a vegetarian?




  1. chew on this.

    vegetarien is better. hope you switch :)

  2. I think you have to answer the question yourself. Why do you want to become a vegetarian?

  3. 1)Because killing animals for food is REALLY REALLY inhumane and unethical.

    2)Because a vegan can save 100 animal every year.

    3)Because animal farming and slaughter houses pollute our air and they contribute much to Global Warming.

    4)Because it is healthy for the environment and for you.

    5)Because animals are defenseless individuals.

    6)Because eating meat is murder.

    7)Because the meat of animals is dirty.

    Also, it is much healthier.

  4. It's up to you.  It won't make any difference to anyone else.

    It's your choice.  If you want to be cruel to plants and torture them by ripping them out of the ground and grinding them up or slicing their limbs and leaves up, it's up to you.

    And whoever quoted from peta should know that peta kills more animals than any other institution.  Learning the truth can be upsetting, but it's always a good thing.

    peta kills and tortures animals, vegetarians kill and torture plants.

  5. the animals!

    go to meet your meat on youtube...that might just change your mind. tell me if it does,.

  6. 1.) If you don't like the taste/texture of meat

    2.) If you can't stand the idea of animal cruelty

  7. because you asked this question so it must be on your mind .

  8. im 15 and ive been vegetarian for a little while now. there are so many benefits from becoming a veg. first off u improve ur overall health. by not consuming meat u lower ur intake of fats and chlosteriol. it is proven that becoming veg makes ur skin clearer, increases ur stamina and just so much other things. animals are injected with a ton of antibiotics and hormones. wen we eat meat u are also consuming those things. the animals are raised in such horrible conditions that many become sick or die, if not workers abuse them and kill them in such inhumaine ways it makes me sick. if you dont eat meat u save 100 animals a year. becoming veg also has a postive impact on the world. raising animals for consumption creates things such as hunger, deforestation and pollution. inorder to create land for these farms many habibits are cut down. also wen clearing these lands we pollute with a lot of fussel fuels. another thing is ppl say we use too much water. aniamls that we raise for food use half the supply of water that we use. if we used the land used for aniaml farms for potateo farms u could provide thousands of ppl with food....good luck if u choose to go veg =)

    also visit they have a lot of good info on there!

  9. Well if you LOVE animals you should, and also like Bill said, so you can saves us more meat for us.

  10. There's lots of reasons to give up red meat but it's going to be hard to replace the nutrients in poultry and fish. An  is  example omega 3 fatty acids.

  11. Because you dont want animals to have to die so you can eat when you can still be healthy etc without meat, because its a waste of fields rearing animals when we could use the space to grow wheat etc to stop famine, because the way animals in the food industry are kept and killed is incredibly cruel, because a vegetarian diet is healthier and makes ytou less at risk of heart disese an strokes. Yeah.

  12. well it depends do u want to be one ill say dont do it.

  13. i cant think of any reasons

  14. Short answer: the thought of eating DEAD animals is DISGUSTING!

    I could go n2 a lot of other reasons, but it really depends on why u r considering it (if u r). As 4 ppl who think u will miss out...u won't. There r SO many meat substitutes, u will be amazed. I make "chicken" salad, "tuna" fish, "turkey" & swiss sandwiches, "ham" & swiss panini, fried "chicken", "meat" loaf, grilled "steak" & onions, sausage (w/my pancakes) & the list goes on.

  15. If you do, you'll slightly reduce your risk of having breast cancer, and significantly reduce your risk of having bowel cancer, heart disease, high cholesterol levels and stroke, amongst other things. If you stick to a *healthy* vegetarian diet (i.e., not just eating vegetarian junkfood), your overall health will improve, and there will be a corresponding increase in your life expectancy.

    The health benefits alone are a good enough reason, but when you also consider the benefits to animals, the environment, your peace of mind, karma - then you'll wonder why it took you so long to make the switch in the first place.

  16. so that you can save the earth and will not die of stroke and cancer.

  17. So you save:

    -Innocent animals(They didn't want you to eat them, b/c they have no choice, but you do)

    -The World(Not eating animals reduces CO2 and pollution)

    -Your waistline(Vegetarians are average 6-10 lbs lighter that meat eaters)

    And plus, you'll be a lot more healthier

    Oh yea and meat now-a-days are poisoned and drugged with growth hormones(which you will consume if you consume the animal). Vegetarianism is the healthiest diet compared to meat-based diets(Vegetarians live on average 10 years longer than meat-eaters do). And animals don't deserve to die for your taste buds and it isn't fair they have to die since there are other choices than meat. And last thought, you'll saving over 100 animals a year. Please consider vegetarianism. :)

  18. What the c**p! not u but every one else who anwsered before me are like uhh grr make me mad.

    Because innocent animals are being killed and abused for no reason you can get all of the nutrition form other foods

    and there are a lot of food that tast the same just with out meat,

    u can also get a lot of protine from soy and tofu

    i kno your thinking eww tofu

    but it is tastless

    when  u cook it in food u cant even tell its there

    the first time i had tofu i didnt even know i was eating it.

    and if u think it will be hard eat fish for the first few months

    then become a no animal vegetarian

    thats what i did

    want more info on how crule people are to animals

    go to or or

  19. don't do it!!'ll miss out on barbeque spareribs,bigmacs,whoppers, will suck!!

  20. You should become a vegetarian because you're standing up for animals, when people eat meat they don't see what people do to the animal to get it DEAD if you would see what they do I'm pretty sure you won't eat meat.

    I'm just started to become a vegetarian and if you want to eat some meat be a semi-vegetarian it means you eat some meat BUT YOU DONT EAT RED-MEAT.

  21. -health reasons (for women, lowers breast cancer risk, for example)

    -ethical reasons (if killing animals/conditions in "factory farms" offends you)

    -environmental reasons (plant-based diets are "greener")

    -financial reasons (arguable, but in some cases it is less expensive to eat veg)

    -if you're not a big meater anyhow, some combination of the above

    Try it and see how you feel. At worst, you'll probably lose a few pounds and learn some new recipes. You can always go back.

    PS I'm veg-friendly, but think this is funny:

    "If we're not supposed to eat animals, why are they made of meat?"

  22. It's A Healthier Lifestyle, And Maybe You Want To Be Veg For Ethical Reasons, Also It Has A Good Effect On The Environment.

  23. Well most peopel become vegetarian becasue they love animals..but being a vegetarian doesn't gives you all the nutrition you need....

  24. because u dont have 2 eat animals

  25. research the process of slaughter houses and you'll know why!!! By the way it's not true that you won't get the proper nutrition- I've been a vegitarian for 15 years and have no health problems at all!

  26. to avoid heart attacks and to avoid being fat...

  27. So you save the animals also,all of the food that we feed the animals so they get fat enough for us to eat, we could give that food to the starving children and only feed the animals the amount of food that they really need.

  28. I have not a clue lol I dont understand why there is even a such thing

  29. You must be considering it since you asked.

    All I can say is I've been a vegetarian since March last year... and people think "OH IT WOULD BE SO HARD TO DO THAT"

    No it is not!  Yeah, I had struggles for a month or two, just because I would crave a cheeseburger or something.  But, believe it or not, there are so many veggie burgers, "chick'n" patties, and other stuff that tastes exactly the same, if not better.  And you don't have to have the guilt of thinking your dinner had to suffer and die just so you could eat.  You feel better about yourself because you know you're doing the right thing.

    I am a vegetarian because I hate the idea of animals dying.

    If you go to the PETA can watch a video or two that will pretty much make you want to be a vegetarian more, and make you feel disgusted at the idea of meat.

    It's disgusting.  Dead animals' bodies.  Those animals had lives, feelings, families, personalities before.

    I don't know what else to say, but if you are considering it, just do yourself a favor and try it out for a month or two and try getting used to it.

    Hope I helped(:

  30. I actually have no good reason other than if you have the same attatchment to a cow as you a pet dog or something. There's things like cholesterol and fat and other scare tactics people will probably use, but we've been eating meat forever. See those nifty little fangs you have in your mouth? They're called canines and are made especially for tearing through meat. We wouldn't have them if we were never meant to eat meat, would we? It must be nice for vegans to have a choice of what they eat compared to some countries...

    It's all in good fun salad-hunters. :D Just remember that when you yell at people who love steak.

  31. because meat cost too much and it used to be a live thinking animal with feelings like me and you, but honestly i eat meat everyday but i would like too stop but i can t i love a good fat juicy steak with a-1 sauce .

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