
Why should I become vegetarian?

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I have been wanting to become vegetarian for a long time, but the only thing standing in the way is my dreaded parents. They tell me its a dumb idea. But I know its not, and i tried it once before...but they litterally forced me to eat some meat. ITs not like i hate meat, but i hate the thought of eating animals..its like the thought of eating a human.

Another reason i want to go vegetarian is cuz diabeates AND heart disease both run in my family, and i want to reduce the risk.

Do you know other ways i can convice my parents to just let me do what i wnaa do cuzi ts my life..

also..for those of you who are vegetarians..can you tell me why i should become one?





  1. That's a good question.

  2. Go to and show the horrible videos and pictures to your parents. Maybe they will see that it is cruel to eat other animals. You can also refuse to eat the meat, I mean, they really cant make you eat it.

  3. They think it is dumb because they do not think you can pull it off in a healthy manner. First, educate yourself, then educate your parents about the benefits of vegetarianism. Convince them what you are doing is healthy.

    Explain to them that it is for moral reasons and you feel uncomfortable eating meat. Learn more about the moral reasons of eating meat, especially the fate of billions of factory farmed animals within the United States.

    If this still does not work, tell them when you are old enough and out of their house, you will become a vegetarian. Ask them, "Wouldn't you rather me be a vegetarian in your home so you know I'm doing it safely?" It might work. ;)

    Sites about animal rights and vegetarianism

  4. ur body, ur mouth, and ur stomach

    do what you want!

    jus tell them why u wanna do this

    and dont let them force u to eat meat again

  5. you need to sit them down, and explain it to them in a very serious, mature way.  explain to them why it is important to you that you should become a vegetarian.  you have important reasons, and it is obvious that you have been thinking this through.  it is your body, and it should be up to you what goes into it.

  6. do it for the animals.

    show your parents "Meet Your Meat" on PETA.

    that'll make them puke everytime they see meat.

  7. how old are you, that your parents would have that kind of power over you? Thats not cool.

  8. Go to the first website below and show your parents the health benefits and other positive things about being a vegetarian.

    And go to the second site to show your parents the U.N's (United Nations) research study of how eating meat contributes to global warming. *The U.N. is a highly respected organization and very credible.

    Also tell your parents there are many people all through out the world who are vegetarians and vegans for ethical reasons, religious reasons, and health reasons. Some of the greatest people were or are vegetarians and/or vegans. Ghandi was a vegan (a fruitarian to be exact), George Bernard Shaw and Leonardo Da Vinci were vegetarians. Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr are vegetarians, George Harrison was too(of course, all 3 are from the British band The Beatles), even Chelsea Clinton is a vegetarian for health reasons, Oscar winner Forest Whitaker is a vegetarian, the list goes on...

    Also, I am a 17 year old vegan and I didn't really give my parents the choice of being able to tell me what to eat, luckily though, they didn't even try. My mom said a few stupid, rude, comments but I told her to get over it because it is not her life, my dad just kept quiet about the situation. He really doesn't like all the food I eat but he does like the meatless boca nuggets; he said you can't even tell a difference. He hates the raw sugar though. He's picky. My nephew loves the chocolate soymilk and the soy icecream and my mom and nephew like the boca nuggets too. Also, Oprah is currently trying out a vegan diet!

    Anyway, you have to tell your parents that this is what you believe in and that you would appreciate if they respect your choices and your morals. You have compassion and they should be grateful for that because there is never enough people in this world who have compassion and a good heart. They should be proud of you!

    Good luck, best wishes!

  9. tell them to go to

    i showed my family that and they became vegetarians right then and there.

    Just tell them you don't want to contribute to animal abuse, global warming, world hunger, and the deterioration of your own health.

  10. The three main reasons to be a vegetarian are for your health, environment, and ethics.

    More than needing to convince your parents you need to be sure of yourself and the reasons why you want to live this lifestyle. If you are solid in your convictions nobody within legal reason can stop you from being vegetarian. Although they can make your life more rough.

    If you really want to persuade your parents educate yourself to the gills. Learn about the nutritional requirements. Learn how to cook and clean up after yourself. Learn to know what to shop for. Most importantly learn the ins and outs of why you are choosing to live this way so you can convey this to your parents, friends, and loved ones. Remember to always be polite and level headed and they will respect you more for it in the end. Show them that vegetarianism has changed you for the better. Your testimony of health and spirit will be your greatest influence over others.

    Here's a link to one of my favorite animal rights Charities. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has gotten over 144 universities to stop animal testing and are working on the last 8 in the states that continue to do so. They also are advocates of vegetarianism and have information, starter kits, etc. I highly recommend using them as a resource.

    I'd kind of avoid PETA. They do have some good information but they can be extreme and hypocritical and a little more like a cult.

    If you need any more information feel free to send me an e-mail. Best of wishes : )

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