
Why should I care at all about the enviornment?

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Earth has been around for billions of years and it's gone on living. Why should I care about it now?




  1. Because if you don't, it won't be around for a billion more.  It is like having something and appreciating it.  If you do not take care of something that you value, then eventually it breaks and becomes worthless.  You don't have to go completely green to care.  Just do a few things and it will make a difference.

  2. If you don't care about YOUR environment then you have it easy.  You can just **** in your pants whenever you want and not care.

  3. becasue the earth is are home and if people keep treating it the way they do now it wont be here for very long.

  4. Because! That is OUR MISSION!!!!

  5. Are you serious..............There are many things in this world that are old and if we don't take care of them eventually there will be no sign they ever existed.  Its the same with the plant, it's not like we can just pack up and move to a new one once it's gone.

  6. because you depend on the earth's existance. even slight changes in weather patterns and temperature can effect your life. all you do revolves around the environment you live in. if you want to live, take care of whats around you. imagine how easily a storm, earthquake, flood, fire, or other natural disaster could devistate your life. the reason its so important now is that industrialization has increased pollution times a million and the large human population as well.

  7. bc the better u make it,the better of a place u will live in-

  8. First take your case, from your question it appears to me that you are very young in age. You have full vigor and all enthusiasm right now. Will these continue for ever, no they won't. A time will come when you will become old and wither but you will not just give up your life. You Will try to maintain yourself to live as long as possible. For your living you need a neat earth but we are not keeping the earth living worthy, every day we are polluting it this way or that way. Similar is the case like yours in the matter of the earth, so we should care all about the environment.

  9. Because while the Earth will continue, humans may not. Because the population we currently have can only be sustained by petroleum, and we're running out. Because desertification in Africa is causing massive wars and horrific genocides, and the flip side of the same process is causing flooding, typhoons, and hurricanes all over the world.

    Forget the earth. Care because your skin is on the line like everyone else's.

  10. Of all the arrogant stupid things to say.

    of COURSE  you should care. You LIVE HERE and your children will live here and so forth. We have to care now because we as a human race are slowly destroying it with our increasing consumerism and our industrialization. It was never a major problem before because there was nobody actively going about harming the environment. sure, people lived just like they do now but the impact they had on their surroundings and environment is not as great as it is today. Also if our environment becomes unlivable, guess what. We won't be here anymore. What if the world runs out of space to put all our trash in? We need to recycle and come up with innovative ways to reuse materials because we don't want to live in a trash dump of a world? Would you like to look outside your window and see a pile of stinky trash? I don't think so. Talk about a drop in the standard of living.

    And the SKY? how would you like to explain to your kids that it didn't used to be brown... it was actually blue. How would you like it if everytime you went outside you had to put on an air mask because there was so much SMOG in the air that you couldn't breathe properly? How would you like if you no longer got  to eat any fish because all of them have been poisoned by our pollution to the ocean?

    HOW CAN YOU NOT CARE. It is not just a tree hugger thing, this is our life, this is our future.

    People like you infruriate me, get beyond yourself and start looking at this in a bigger picture.

  11. Well everyone should care.WE depend on the Earth. Just think if everyone in the world stopped caring what would happen ? Of course population would go down. Life as we know it would never be the same. Everyone should think about what would happen to the earth before doing something stupid that would cause global warming

  12. So that the Lorax and his friends may come back...

  13. because it hasn't always had to deal with our pollution. Humans and it's waste have only been around for a very very very short time compared to the age of the earth. How do you not see that we are destroying everything. Plastics will not break down for billions of years if even ever do break down and carbon fiber which makes up a lot of things especially circuit boards of all types will never break down. The world isn't used to and isn't meant to handle our pollution.

  14. because earth is going through pollution and global warming is starting to destroy the ozone layer. if the ozone gets any worse, billions and billions of people will be killed. though it may not happen for years to come, we are still in danger. even one less person not caring for how the earth is being treated could tear away at our chances of the earth not being destroyed by the sun.

  15. then you are not looking very hard .;...

    When ever the Environment was in serious trouble people have died ,whole civilizations have disappeared or many species of animals went into extinction

    the World always goes on living

    But what lives on it changes all the time.

    Just look back into history and you will see the future.

    Animals have always lived in Equilibrium with their habitat

    the numbers relevant to their food supply

    Excesses begot disasters ,predators or disease,and equilibrium prevailed.

    We are the only species who defy the laws of nature and will pay the price for that .;...

    Our health and survival not to mention reasonable living conditions depend on the Environment .

    So only suicidal mentalities would not see reason for responsible Environmental behavior.or have no interest in what kind of world their children will inherit

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