
Why should I care if Iran has a nuclear program?

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I keep hearing in the news that Iran wants to become part of the nuclear club...So what's the big deal. Will they make a bomb and blow us up?

I know that other nations have nuclear capabilities but why is it so important to us that Iran does not have a nuclear program?

If they're smart enough to make a nuclear bomb, then aren't they smart enough not to use it to start a fight?

So what's the real deal here?




  1. This has already been sorted out and defined in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which Iran and the US and the UK chose to sign. The nuclear powers are obliged to assist Iran in developing civilian nuclear power, in return for Iran not getting (or helping others to get) nuclear weapons, and for it allowing its facilities to be regularly inspected.

    Iran was it seems willing to do it's part. We were not willing to do ours, so they stopped inspections, and have been pushed towards further non-compliance. They can withdraw from the treaty at any time, after which they are legally free to do anything they wish. They have not yet done so.

    Note that neighboring Israel chose never to accept any of these obligations, has it's own 200 warheads, refuses to admit it, has assisted proliferation, and yet criticises Iran for not "honoring its international obligations".

    Please find and read the text of the NPT before expressing opinions about the legality or morality of Iran's behaviour. Unless of course you prefer not to have your opinions distorted by facts.

    Incidentally, the US and UK etc also accepted an obligation to work diligently towards total nuclear disarmament. Not much sign of that.

    I fear the truth is that the NPT is probably dying. No nuclear power will really disarm, non-nuclear signatories will withdraw unless threatened and bribed enough by the world-bullies. Proliferation will increase.

    Men are generally fearful, aggressive, and greedy, The states they create are the same, but more so, and in particular even more deceitful and hypocritical than individuals because they must conceal from their own populations the immorality of what is being done in their name.

  2. your very existence depends on them not having nuke's.

  3. I never understood this! America has nuclear weapons but no other country has attacked USA because of this - why not - why can one country have weapons and not others? Seems there are one set of rules for each country!

  4. Follow my logic here....

    The American government has mutual support treaties with Israel

    A huge number of influencial people in this country are Jewish or have ties to Israel

    Iran has promised to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.....slaughter every man woman and child

    Israel has nuclear weapons

    Israel has nothing to lose if they face extinction or the threat of extinction

    Allowing Iran to develope a nuclear capability will force Israel into a pre-emptive strike..... = NUCLEAR WAR

    If Iran gets a nuclear device, they will likely keep their promise and bomb Israel...... = NUCLEAR WAR

    Either way MILLIONS will die..... many of them American

    A nuclear device does NOT have to be delivered by plane or rocket..... they can be walked in.....detonated by a suicide bomber.....If we stand beside Israel.....we could also be Irans target....

    Just not acceptable for them to have a nuclear device

  5. the nuclear part of this is only Israels problem, The USA has other concerns about Iran, mostly, Iran's coming up as the new oil capitol and trading for euros and not greenbacks,   that will hurt the USA's pockets


    Iran will never nuke Israel,  Iran is a strong Islamic faith based country, and Islam is not going to blow up their most holy Mosque on the top of the temple mound located in, where, Israel

  6. No one care about them having electricity.

    All they care is where the money -back guarantee.?

    For opening the big mouth?

    "In wiping Israel off the map"

    How to explain to little children.

    On the ghostly stories?

    Little children love ghostly stories.

    We don't want to make them cry.

    So where's the money -back guarantee?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  7. Iran is run by a bunch of seventh century dictators who will make it a point of taking out the enemy even if it means sacrificing millions of their own as acceptable collateral.

  8. The country to worry about is Pakistan as they already have the bomb. As for Iran they are building a bomb to get some respect from other countries and to impress their own people as the Iranian government's approval rating in Iran is as bad as Bush's in the USA. And they are building a fission bomb. This can  maybe kill 35,000 to 80,000 people. A horrific total but no where enough to qualify as "blowing up the world". On the other hand the USA has fusion bombs that can kill a million people. Iran knows that if they every use their bomb on us, we will hit them with dozens of fusion bombs. Thus, atomic bombs are a useless weapon only usable to deter others from atting you. They are useless as offensive weapons.

  9. (Keeping in mind that prior to 9/11 we thought we couldn't be attacked at home,) Iran wouldn't pose a major threat to the U.S.  But they can cause mayhem in the Middle East, and certainly Israel.

  10. Because they have no fear of death so to destroy the world in the name of their religion  would be honorable in their country

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