
Why should I go green when big industry, government, the military, gas companies don't do it?

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Individual greening is not the biggest problem to the environment, it's the super wealthy that refuse to go green, including Al Gore with his home lit up like a Xmas tree and President Bush who pays no attention to environmental impact.




  1. Big industry is driven by demand from consumers. Gas companies are also driven by demand from consumers. Stop using their product, and they lose their power.

    As for the military, that's a whole different issue. That's where voting and direct action really come more into play. However, the absolute worst thing you can do is develop an attitude of apathy. "Nothing will change, so better to keep marching on the same path" is a very dangerous world outlook.

  2. OHO! These all organizations are also trying to conserve.

    if you will be not green ,  same 1000s of people will think & this world would be in disaster.

  3. SERIOUSLY! They will make more CO2 in a week than you will your whole life!

  4. For your own sake!  To heck with those Bozo's.  At some point you and everyone else is going to have to do without most of the modern technology.  The longer Bush and the denieristi sandbag, the more people that will be.  The more of the skillset you can learn now that you will need then, the better off you will be during the "transition".  

    "Fortune favors the prepared."

  5. try to be like me. believe in the power of one. I believe that it's enough for me to do something. we all should start with ourselves, coz if everyone waits for the other to start going green, no one will, and we all die eventually.

  6. Try taking some personal responsibility for your own actions.

    The military and  industry will only do what the government requires.  The government will only require what the people demand.  You're one of the people, so demand that they change.  In the meantime, all you can control are your own actions, so take control.

  7. Believe it or not, some aspects of industry are very much into conserving.  They are all about the bottom line and reports to stockholders.  That does drive some conservation efforts on their part. OF COURSE, they are not doing nearly enough, especially when it may be expensive to retro-fit a smokestack or whatever....

    The bottom line is personal responsibility and that needs to include EVERYONE, no matter how big or small...

  8. I agree with the other answers, that individuals need to take action now. Governments and industry are by their nature slow to accept and act on change, and time is a key issue on this topic.

  9. i totaly see where you are coming from...

    but every penny in a dollar counts, if you were missing a penny it wouldnt be a dollar, right?

    every litle thing that you do adds up over time. the better we spread the word and the more people that pitch in the better.

    it also saves money. try turning electric things off and unplugging things when you dont need to use them. same goes for water sources. when you recycle, wich is not that hard, youll have less trash you have to dispose of too.

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