
Why should I have a pet? ?

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Why should I have a pet? ?




  1. because keeping a pet teahces you responsibility

    and pets are soo fun to have!

    cute too!


  2. hone. i have 5 horses. 49 goats. 10 dogs. 2 cats. and use 2 have a pig. lovin every minute of it! they are extremely loyal. lovable and make great companions! :)

  3. NO!

  4. pets are sweet, loving, and cuddly.

    and they also add an addition to the family

    animals do nothing wrong and they

    are so loving. good luck:)

  5. Maybe they would help you...

    So you won't be so lonely...

    Pets are cool...

    Playing with them just for fun...

    Is it enough???

  6. Because they are great companions and keep you grounded and have company.  

  7. Because pets keep you calm, and happy, they brighten your day, they reduce stress in your life. That means you live longer, it's a proven fact. I have a dog, birds and a guinea pig, the only one who gives me problems is the guinea pig, he truly is a pig. Just kidding, he's loveable too. They also teach you responsility. They also make great playing partners.  

  8. To kick around the garden !

  9. Because they make good companions, they lower blood pressure, relieve stress, you can tell your secrets to them and they won't tell a soul, they are soft and cuddly, they show you unconditional love....

  10. *good company, keep ya busy not bored!

    * Something to feel more responsible, show you can do it!

    * More experience!

    * Someone to love!  

  11. Cause they are cute and love-able!

  12. They are loving and great companions I suggest a cat!  

  13. If you have some extra money and dont care about less fortunate people like the people in Africa (like me i have a cat)  and if you want a friend that will always be there unless it dies  

  14. Because when no one is being nice to you they are always there for you to talk to even if you feel weird talking to a cat or dog. And they're fun to cuddle with and play games with them...haha!

  15. back up food source  

  16. A pet is a great companion! They help you distress when you play ball with them or give them a pat on the head. They seam to always understand and amazingly enough cheer you up when you are sad!

  17. Because it will love you no matter what. It will lower your blood pressure. It will always make you feel better.

  18. If you need to ask then you shouldn't have one!

  19. You should have a pet because...

    1) For company

    2) Cuddly cute and furry or feathery.

    3)Always there for you no matter what

    4)You can teach them neat tricks

    5)Your pet is only yours and is special to you

    6)Like a human that never gets bored(except when it's sleeping)!

    and loads more things that I can't be bothered to write!

    Get a rabbit there the cutest and you can interact with them the most.

    BUT it is a big big big big big responsibility!

    good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Umm  I don't know.

    Cause pets are awesome!

  21. u shouldn't

  22. If you have kids or if you are a teen or a kid then you will enjoy having a pet because pets can teach little kids about caring. If you are an adult with no kids then a pet can be a fun little companion. A pet can keep you company, and if you get a big dog it will keep you safe!!!  

  23. Because they are great companions, teaches you responsibility, and plus whenever you do something bad you can blame it on them:)

  24. why not?

  25. cuz animals are the best thing in the world... its a responsiblity but they give u love as long as u give them some

  26. If you are asking why, you probably shouldn't get one.

    Pets are like kids.  They give you a lot of love and happiness, but they are work.  

    You have to take care of them.  You have to provide them, food, shelter, time and love.

    You have to think about what you are going to do with them, if you decide to go on vacation.

    You also get someone that loves you unconditionally.  Pets will love you no matter what. They will always be happy to see you and they will brighten up your day.  

    Even if you've had the worst day in your life. The minute you come home, you'll have someone waiting for you that just wants to make you happy.

  27. they love you and you love them... what more could you want? =]

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