
Why should I have to do Jury Service again?

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This morning I received a Jury Summons in the mail.

But I've already done it 3 years ago. And you can be excused if you've done it in the last 2 years.

The problem is I'm very busy with an Access to Higher Education course and I hope to go to university in September.

I don't want Jury Service to get in the way of my studies and jeopardise my chances of being accepted at uni.

And the fact is I've already done it. It's not fair to make me do it again. I've done my duty for queen and country and there are plenty of people who would like to have a go who have never been called.

Not only that, but the two cases I was put on last time were a joke.

My Question is what are my chances of being able to say 'Hang on now... I'm at a very important stage in my life, and I've already done it before, do you think you could let me off, please?" Does anybody have any expertise in this field who could tell me what my chances are of being excused?

Thanks for any advice.




  1. I was called up for jury service a couple of years ago but I objected on the grounds of religious conscience, as I am not willing or able to judge another person.  I explained this in a brief letter and was excused.

  2. . You've done it 3 years ago. Such a hardship! Just do it and quit your moaning.

      I'm sorry, but when I was on  jury the last time and we were in the middle of jury selection, people came up  with the most ridiculous reasons for wanting out of it.The  judge seemed to have the attitude, "'please do go on with your sad story."

  3. Tell them everything you said in this question. Or lie when they ask you questions. Ill never do jury duty. Im almost 37, and have been called once, and I got out of it. Tell them you just did jury duty, and being called again so quickly makes you mad, and you will vote guilty no matter what. That ought to do it.

  4. Make your situation known to the jury bailiff. They and the judges are usually very helpful.

  5. Write a polite letter to the judge explaining the situation you are in and ask for it to be deferred. Explain that doing an Access course is very intensive and that you would not be able to give the court your full attention, especially as the exams will be in May.  The likelihood is that they will be able to defer you but it is up to the judge.

    If they don't, go on the selection day looking like Maggie Thatcher (tweeds and pearl twin set etc.)- the defendant will not want you trying him and you will be released!

  6. Many, many, many years ago, I was summoned for jury service, at the same time as the first two weeks of a university course. I asked for it to be deferred until a later date (which didn't arise for another 18 years) and this request was granted.

    You've much more chance if you ask for a deferral, than if you ask to be completely excused.

    Good luck with your access course.

  7. You can defer it.

    Just explain yourself honestly.

    They won't want you on the jury because they will understand that your mind will be elsewhere.

    They need people that will listen and take their time to arrive at the most just conclusion. They know people well enough to understand that, at the moment, you have other things going on.

  8. They can call you up once per year. It's our civic duty. You need to get it posponed or go. Everybody's busy we still have to go.

  9. It's luck of the draw but if I were you I would find out from the Court Office who the person is who is responsible for juries., and tell him/her your problem. They may or may not give you a sympathetic hearing for you to be excused your 14days Jury Duty. I would not push the, I've already done it idea very hard it sounds like a whinge and you do not want to give that impression. You actually want it to be defered

  10. Contact  the Court office which sent you  the  Summons, and explain what you want say.

    They may be able to answer

  11. I can't help you I'm afraid but I wish I could do it for you.  

    I've always wanted to do it but I'm told that because I once worked in a police station and had to sign the official secrets act (I had access to the police database) I will never be eligible for jury service!  I keep meaning to check if it's true - it's depressing if it is.

  12. Serving on a jury is a civic duty. It's a responsibility that comes with the blessings of being a citizen of your country. It's also the backbone of the legal system that allows the criminally accused and civil litigants to have their cause decided by their peers.  If you were a litigant, wouldn't you want the option of having your peers decide your fate?

    If you have a good reason not to serve, you can explain it to the judge.  Most are very understanding of obligations with which jury duty would interfere.  Usually, a judge will allow you to defer serving.

  13. just the luck of the draw.You must have a very GOOD reason for not doing it.Illness,with doctors note,to the court office before the case goes on.

  14. If it were me I would write to the court and tell them to ***** off cos I'm not doing it.

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