
Why should I let my kids watch Inconvenient truth @ school?

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It has become manditory in alot of schools to watch Inconvient truth in school. Why are schools forcing this upon the children? I have excused my son from watching this.




  1. Why? So he can be ignorant to something that will affect him more than it will affect you?

  2. good. the movie is full of false hoods to the point that schools in britain are required to give a disclaimer before showing it. i applaud you for taking action as a parent in your child's education.

  3. The film is a lesson in junk science.  Al Gore uses one carefully chosen ice core sample which happens to support his claims.  It's also highly political and there is a lot of criticism of republicans.

    Schools are not meant to be political, but as most teachers are left wing, it's easy to have a left wing bias.  I doubt teachers would consider showing a right wing movie to their students.

  4. You shouldn't let your kids watch Inconvenient Truth unless you want them to be informed and educated on a serious problem that they will have to deal with in their lifetimes.

    The film is not "full of falsehoods".  To learn more about the controversial judge's ruling, see

  5. Excusing him from watching An Inconvenient Truth so he can assess the evidence for himself and make up his own mind is fine and dandy. Better than fine and dandy, in fact. It's the only honest thing to do. But I bet that's not what you're doing, is it? I bet you've excused him from watching the video because *you* don't accept AGW theory and don't think *he* should, either.

    Am I right? I bet I am.

  6. If they tired to show it in our schools, I along with most everyone in our town with file a suite with the aclu, for forcing their new religion into the public schools, with gore as the high priest.

  7. for the same reason you let your child be shown and taught about gravity,evolution, light, religion and the millions of other things on the school curriculum.

    Its called education.

  8. My kids know what communist propaganda is.  They know that when a politician lips are moving their lying.

  9. What is a Kansas resident doing rooting for the Huskers?

    Anyway, even if he doesn't believe a word of it, the exposure to the "other side" will do him good.  Think of it this way, studies have shown that if you let children who are never given candy the freedom to eat as much candy as they want, they will gorge themselves literally sick on the stuff.  In contrast, children who are given candy occasionally when faced with the same unlimited supply, will eat some, but not make themselves sick.  You don't want your children to grow up in a bubble, because if they ever do get exposed to the outside world, the toxic shock could kill them.

  10. When the effects of AGW become more apparent,even to the ignorant among us,it'll be too late to do much about it.  Fine,if you think your son has the right to be ignorant of whats coming,thats your right.  

    BTW... Hows that still disputed 'theory of Gravity' workin' out for ya?

  11. I'm suprised that the liberals actually took there mouths away from their bongs long enough to answer, actually if you noticed they didn't answer, all they did was attack and insult you for your question, (there time tested strategy) because they aren't smart enough to give you a real answer.                   You've done the right thing by excusing him. Wait until he is of age enough to understand some of the info from a non alarmist point of view. There are discenting viewpoints on the actual origin of global warming. Basically whether it is a result of environmental consequence, or natural cyclic trends of the planet. I personally believe the latter. It is an important subject to a certain degree, but not from an alarmist standpoint. It is NOT as serious as the far left would lead you to believe, because there are just as many scientist that have concluded that man has nothing to do with global warming.

    It is a hot political subject for the liberal movement in our country, (the far left, tree hugging, pot smoking, hug the world and everyone will like us bunch.)

      The reason that some schools are making it mandatory, is political. The liberals have been very cunning throughout the years in there indoctrination of our youth to their far left agenda. Take a poll at your sons school; and you'll find that most teachers are "Democrats" that lean to a very liberal, socialistic viewpoint in all areas of education and political beliefs. That being said, you have our nations public school system transferring their liberal beliefs "through indoctrination, with alarmist propaganda" about all issues. The deepest truth of their agenda is to develop new democrats, at the same time dumbing them down..(with inferior education) to be lead by them, into socialistic slaughter.

    The democrats wan't a nation of sheep, that are too dumd to think for themselves, that they can control under the guise of looking out for the "little guy", or the "common man".

    Remember this; the decay of our society started with the liberal movement of the 60's that said all things were o.k. for us at all times....Free love, you don't have to be married to have s*x, burn your bra's, don't conform, pot is not a drug, if it feels good do it ! This is the same bunch that has poisened our society with unsurmountable social issues that are directly related to their lunacy. They basically ignore social resposibility to positive moral values.

      Today we have to deal with all of these following issues that I'll mention to a much greater extent, because of them; (unwed mothers, teen pregnancy, S.T.D.'s, aids, Drug addiction.... "which is directly attributed to the gateway drug of marijuana", higher divorce rates, poverty, and an uneducated lower class, that need socialism to survive because they aren't capable of taking care of themselves or families. (Welfare)

    Basically don't let them teach your children anything ! Home school them, or send them to a private school if you can.

    So...... again Bravo !!....for feeling that something was wrong with it, because there was,..... it is wrong. Also question your children, (as i do) to find out if the liberals are trying to impose their politics on your children, and if you find that they are..go to the school and confront everyone of them, raise h**l and complain to the school board, and principal. And don't stop until they stop trying to indoctrinate your children.

  12. because it will educate your kids about global warming and hopefully help them to change the future.

  13. Unless the teacher has been educated enough on the subject to point out some discrepancies and flaws in that movie, I don't feel that it should placed in front of children as solid fact. I haven't gone through the movie enough to be able to separate what is real and what is more propaganda, but I know enough to  be highly skeptical of everything that comes out of his mouth (three mistakes is enough to lose credibility in my eyes). Yes, global warming should be taught in schools, but not by a movie that numerous people have already pointed out the flaws in. If a teacher understands the topic well enough to incorporate it into a larger discussion, then great, but by making it mandatory, the schools guarantee that in some cases this won't happen.

  14. I understand what you're sayin there but your stance on this is no better than those parents who don't want their children learnin about evolution.

    but if you really want him to educate himself, then let him watch both An inconvenient truth AND the g reat g lobal warming  swindle

    let him have complete access to all counter arguments, complaints and criticisms regardin both movies, from reputable sites

    let him learn the basic science of what major factors affect local and lobal climate and do try to be objective...then and only then will he make a trully informed decision entirely on his own without influence of you or anybody elses opinions.

    Actually Shelley, a court ruled that the movie should be accompanied by proper notes pointin out the flaws but then, that works both ways :)

  15. wow, do you think your son has the budget to generate all those accurate graphs + pictures of melting glaciers worldwide??

    And if you want your son to form his own opinion then make him look at both sides of debate.  why global warming exists/not exist?

  16. I think it depends on how old your kids are. I would not let my 8 year old watch it because they believe what they get at school. Global warming is a fact just like we know one day in the far distant future our star will go Super Nova 1,000's of years (I'm not sure how many zero's goes here).

    The inconvenient truth is based on particular area's and has no proof that the world is warming to a point that we will notice a change in the next 600 years or more.

    I will let my 16 year old watch it because he is very analytical and will search for a answer that HE wants to follow based on facts not propaganda Documentaries.

    I do believe the world is warming up but the only proof I have ever been able to find says the increments are so minuet that it would take a very, very long time to even register the change.

    I also believe that we (people on earth) will adapt to the very small changes. Just like the eskimos adapted to live in Extreme cold and the tribes of Africa adapt to the extreme heat.

    bottomLine I would challange any school system that would allow a Documentary that was designed to exploit the truth and try to scare someone into believing something thats not proven....

    Good job getting involved in your kids Education... Now lets educate the few misguided teachers.

    Teachers don't get upset, I have have only ran into two in 16 years (private and public) raising 3 kids. I have had great experiences with our teachers.

    BTW:  The sky is falling.....and the earth is really Flat....

  17. The public school system has become such a socialist indoctrination program. If I had it to do over again, I would seriously consider sending my kids to a private school.

    My sons are both in college now. My oldest is working on his masters in the health care field. I would talk to my kids a lot about socialism and capitalism and how to identify the slant of what was being taught in school and what was being reported in the media. When my oldest son would write papers on the subject of health care, he started with a private or capitalist point of view and received poor grades. He then decided he would try writing from a socialist point of view and he received A's. He did graduated with honors, but he realizes that he has to play the game.

    I would talk to them a lot or consider other schools.

    The movie has many flaws. The most important one is that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does not cause the temperature to increase. The temperature causes the carbon dioxide to increase. One of the most important things to consider is that temperature peaks and begins to fall while the carbon dioxide is still climbing or peaking. The lag is on average about 800 years, so temperatures fall for approximately 800 years while CO2 is peaking.

    Here are some other videos you might consider showing your kids:

  18. You should let him watch it beacuse it's a good skill to have to be able to evaluate propaganda and make informed judgments.  He needs to get out there and hear all viewpoints and learn to separate fact from opinion.  Sheltering him from anything you disagree with isn't going to get you anywhere.

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