
Why should I respect this teacher that I don't respect?

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(My last question) and because i don't I dont see why I should do any apology

He is a jerk




  1. well, first off hes an adult and no matter how much he disrespects u hes still and adult and u have to have your respect for them but if they go over board then thats when id say i myself wouldnt respect him-her

  2. Simply because he is your teacher. Honestly, when I was in high school (not that long ago) I couldn't respect my AP Calculus teacher, but while in his class I was able to fake respect.

  3. You don't have to like or even have respect for a teacher, that's a personal opinion.  However, whatever you personal opinion of someone you still have to be polite, behave, and do your very best in that class.  It's kind of about getting on in life.  At work you may hate your boss, but they're still your boss and you have to get on with it and work.  The same for your teacher, he's still your teacher and like it or not you have to show respect to him even if you do not respect him.  So I hate to say it, and you're going to hate me for this, but you've just got to apologise, it's how the world works and move on with things!

  4. if you dont respect him then its not possible for you too, no one should force you to respect him and you shouldnt if you dont want to. but please, i know you think he is a jerk but just think.... i know you may not like him, and he may have told you off, hardly any of my students like me because im strict. but im strict to give the pupils the best chance in life... one day the kids that hate me will thank me, until then i can deal with no respect and the whispers behind my back because i know that day will come.

    your teacher will not go home at night and think about why you dont respect him... forget about it, move on and in 20 years look at this question, you are going to laugh and say... ahhh bless he did his best. lol

    good luck

  5. Maybe he could teach you about punctuation?

  6. well, it depends on why you don't respect him. if the problem is that you simply do not like him, then it's in your best interest to stay on his good side anyway. if he has offended you in any way, then maybe you should talking to him and try to solve your problems. maybe it'll work out for the better for everyone. sometimes, teachers can just be plain old jerks. my spanish teacher is one of those jerks. however, i still respect him, mostly because he hasn't done anything to me personally. if he ever does however, i must say that i would be quite outspoken about it. if i were you, and if i knew he is wrong, i would expect an apology from him rather than making an apology. teachers aren't God, they can be wrong too...just because they're teachers doesn't mean they are immune from making mistakes.

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