
Why should I save electricity when its going to last forever?

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Why should I save electricity when its going to last forever?




  1. because the more electricity you use the more you contibute to polluting water

  2. Nothing lasts forever.

  3. Cut down on your electric bills.

  4. After going through all the answers given so far, I try to answer this question in environmental point of view, as the question has been included in conservation sub section.

    Let us think about the natural resources being utilised for generation of electricity through conventional methods. They are hydel, thermal and neuclear which are based on natural resources like water, coal and minerals.

    When a hydel power project is conceived, it involves stagnation of water by constructing dams across rivers resulting in submergence of precious forests and land areas. Further it makes translocation of people from their traditional settlement along rivers to somewhere else making them refugees in their home land and seperated from their traditional way of living, culture, etc. Thus hydel power project reduces the forest cover which is already getting reduced by developmental activities of governments and industrialists. By this the ecology of the area and environment in general are very much affected and damaged.

    Take the case of thermal power project for which tons and tons of coal is quarried by deep mining and burnt in the process. Mining of coal makes the fertile top soil denuded and removed rendering the green cover on the surface of earth reduced. Futher in this process, huge quantity of smoke is emitted into admosphere and the fly ash in micron size is mixed in air and tons and tons of fly ash are dumped without futher utilisation of full quantity.

    In the case of nuclear energy also, deep mining operations have to be carried out for getting the radioactive minerals like uranium, thorium, etc. By this mining operations also, the fertile top soil is lost and the green cover is reduced. Moreover, the residues from atomic plants have to be disposed very safely to avoid radiation to the environment.

    It may clear now that electricity costs not only in terms of money; but also in environmental values. If we wish to conserve environment for the future generations to come, we have to necessarily save electricity. That's why it is being told that electricity saved is electricity produced!

    Let us think it over and try to save electricity as far as possible in our day to day life! OK!

  5. <irony alert for our american cousins>

    sure go ahead mate, use all you want, it's free as well!

  6. $

  7. stupid question

  8. since when does electricity last forever????? there is an energy CRISIS going on here and so dumb people(hmmm hmm) should turn off one stinkin light and use alternative enrgy sources!!!!!!!!!!!! why do some people have to be so stupid? go to a library and READ UP!

  9. well for starters, the more electricity you save, the more money you save. Money exiting your pocket and going towards the electrical supplier company and the amount of electricity you use are directly proportional.

  10. Who says electricity lasts for ever?  As with many of our resources we tend to think we've an unlimited supply...It's funny how we're finally waking up to realize this is not the case.  Electricity is generated utilizing many methods most of which involve utilizing fuels that are in a state of diminishing supply.  Renewables are a very, very small percentage of the overall pic and even they aren't enough (assuming everyone converts to them) to stave off the inevitable.  We are simply running out of fuel to supply power.  Now, we could stave off/delay the time we run out by conserving and converting to renewables where possible even at our HOMES.  In fact if we all converted we'd be able to lower fuel costs for a time by allowing  more to be allocated for our cars, trucks, trains, planes, and other transit needs.  Eeven with that conservation from using fuel to provide electricity and diverting the supply to transit...we'd still run out sooner rather than later.  We are simply wasteful and inefficient in utilizing our resources...have been for eons...will continue to be.  PEACE!

  11. Ok, Paul so you got your appears not even one person really understood your question...they will always think that electrical energy is a limited resource!

    Maybe you should have said something they heard in school, "energy can not be created or DESTROYED, only changed in form"

    Maybe the schools should have added to this rule that you can change energy in form back and forth...

    or maybe just plain said that the energy in the universe in the beginning is the same amount that you will have in the end no matter what you humans do or how fast you use it...

    Guess I will get some thumbs down on this one (-:

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