
Why should I stay away from windows during a Severe Thunderstorm?

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The Nation Weather Service has issued a Severe Thunderstorm Warning and said to stay away from windows. Why should I do this?




  1. In case of a lighting strike near your window.  The sonic boom created can shatter glass and put your eye out.

  2. in case there's severe wind and maybe a tree branch hits the window and it shatters. you could get very hurt

  3. 1.  Thunderstorms are almost always accompanied by high winds which can drive debris through windows, shattering them.

    2.  Sometimes you get hail with thunderstorms, which can also shatter windows.

    3.  Lightning does weird things if it strikes a building.  If you have any metal in your window frames or screens, lightning has actually been documented to jump from plumbing pipes to windows on its way to ground, even though the pipe seems the better path.

    4.  With a lightning strike close enough, the thunderclap can shatter glass.

    5.  Lastly, with severe thunderstorms comes the chance of tornado.

  4. During a severe thunderstorm, glass could shatter for several different reasons. There might be hail, high winds (including tornadoes), lightning and more. It never makes sense to stand near a window during severe weather; the risk of injury is too great.

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