
Why should I tolerate other people's views... If they're completely wrong?

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  1. Well here is the thing, everyone thinks you should respect others opinions until someone disagrees with them.  I mean, lets be honest, if I were to say I believe slavery is a ok and a good thing. Nobody is going to respect that. I don't blame them, because I don't. But thats the thing, we only respect other peoples opinion when its easy for us.

  2. In order for a person to have balance in life you must be able to tolerate opinions of others even if they are wrong. Sometimes they are wrong because they don't have all the facts. Its good to listen to others opinions, it will widen your horizons.

  3. No one is ever completely knowledgable about everything there is to know. You don't have to "tolerate" any opinion, simply respect someone else's right to have them. They needn't become a debate...just agree to disagree.

  4. Because to them... YOUR the one who's wrong. Everyone has an opinion... you don't have to like it or agree with it, but you should respect it.

  5. I usually don't .If you're completely wrong ,then you're completely wrong .Once I realize that then I  don't stick around to listen to an explanation that I know will still end up being completely wrong.

  6. Tolerate it, in the sense that you should allow it. But respect it, ah, that I won't do. There's a difference, for me---I will tolerate anyone's views as long as they're not negatively affecting me. But I absolutely refuse to respect certain viewpoints.

    In the end, you have every right to believe whatever the heck you want in this country, I won't respect you, but you have that right. When you start trying to make ME agree, or curtail my rights in order to fit YOUR worldview, then the simple lack of respect may become action. Works for me.

  7. Decode this lyrics " We are family"

    Ever wonder if living human kind of higher intelligent.

    See their brothers and sisters living in misery with total loss of our creator's universal gifts of life vital for the survival and advancement of living human kind like you and me.

    Do we leave them out there to die by the roadside or we be a Good Samaritan to reach out and extend them a helping hands.

    Luke 2.32

    What do you think?

    Do we be the Son of God or we be the Son of a dirty old men?

  8. People are entitled to their opinion....let's say their fav flavor of ice cream for instance....there obviously is no right or wrong answer.

    BUT...Right and wrong are constants....And if someone espouses an incorrect view you are OBLIGATED to correct it.

  9. Why should you?

    Stop giving quarter to the opinions of idiots.

    Spend as much time pointing out the complete inadequacies of their thinking as you wish and then move on.

  10. Tolerance isn't about believing in others views or accepting all other peoples views as yours. Tolerance is simply letting others have their own opinions about the world as they see it.

    Just because you may not support the logic of others doesn't give you the right to say that they are "completely wrong".

  11. The US Constitution guarantees that EVERYONE has the right to free speech. That means that if your opinion does not agree with someone else's opinion, you BOTH have the right to express them.  If you do not like someone else's opinion, you have two choices:  politely listen to what he/she has to say, or go somewhere else.

  12. Tolerate means to allow. In this country, the last I checked,

    It is each individuals right to express and believe in whatever he chooses.  If you do not know or understand the concept "freedom of speech" or the idea of inalienable rights

    how RIGHT could your own views be. And should We allow them?

  13. It doesn't cost anything to tolerate the views of another; its their actions that I might object to.

    If everybody had the same viewpoints on everything, this would be a rather boring world

  14. It is a civil society which agrees to disagree agreeably.

  15. Because everyone has a right to opinion.  You should "tolerate" it only because it is the other individual's right, but you also have a right to disagree, because you have a right to your opinion as well.

    The best thing is to be vocal about your own views so that you can prove your points yourself.  There is a difference in accepting the fact that someone else may feel different than you do about something (no matter how idiotic an opinion it is), and in allowing them to have the only say (or even the stronger word in the situation).

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