So I watched the Democrats and I watched the Republicans. Both have their good and their bad sides. With less than 30 days left for me to register to vote, I'm left wondering if there's any point. Neither candidate really represents what I believe in, and the areas I agree with them cut down the middle.
I don't have much faith in either of them to do what's right overall because hey, they're POLITICIANS, and I've learned not to trust in them.
So who do I vote for? Why should I even bother if neither of them are really who I would want in the office? Either way I don't get what I think we deserve in this country. I'm basically feeling abandoned by the system, and not really interested in the process.
So what do you think? and please, none of the rabid moronic party-following dittoheads and super democrats who are going to tell me what's wrong with the other party. I KNOW what's wrong with both parties. It's why I'm finding it tough to want to choose anyone...