
Why should I vote in the presidential election?

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So I watched the Democrats and I watched the Republicans. Both have their good and their bad sides. With less than 30 days left for me to register to vote, I'm left wondering if there's any point. Neither candidate really represents what I believe in, and the areas I agree with them cut down the middle.

I don't have much faith in either of them to do what's right overall because hey, they're POLITICIANS, and I've learned not to trust in them.

So who do I vote for? Why should I even bother if neither of them are really who I would want in the office? Either way I don't get what I think we deserve in this country. I'm basically feeling abandoned by the system, and not really interested in the process.

So what do you think? and please, none of the rabid moronic party-following dittoheads and super democrats who are going to tell me what's wrong with the other party. I KNOW what's wrong with both parties. It's why I'm finding it tough to want to choose anyone...




  1. Good question. Because of the Electoral College, the person who the majority voted for may not get elected.  

  2. if you don't want to vote here's some music

  3. I don't blame you for not caring about either Repubmocrat candidate.  They're both pretty bad in their own ways.  I would recommend that you look into the third party candidates.  You may find one that resonates with your views.  Either way, sitting home and not voting tells the powers that be that you're OK with how they're doing business.  History has shown that the major parties only change when they're afraid of being replaced by an up-and-coming third party.

    If you want to stop the parade of c**p candidates, show up and tell them you're unhappy by voting for someone else.  Not voting just tells them that you just don't care and you're happy with either of their "choices".

  4. the reason you should vote  is  when  something  is  wrong  you  have  the  right  to  complain  those  who  don't  vote  need  to  put  a  cork  in  because  they  have  no  right  complaining  if  you cant  vote  so  go  out  and  vote

  5. You don't have a clue on the importance of the vote.

    Maybe you should try another country

  6. Well, you've got to choose, so you might as well vote for the better candidate, Obama.

  7. I understand your concern since the last two elections were not won by the popular vote.  However, if you do not vote it is hard for you to complain about what happened.  I am voting for Obama because he is smart, has run a good campaign, I think he has more of what it takes than the right wing and is something were to happen to him I would sure rather have Bidden than Palin.

  8. You should look into issues that are important to you. Like you I don't pick based on the candidate, I pick based on the issues that are most important to me. Whichever candidate has more of your view on some of those issues, that is the person you should vote for.

    Good luck and do vote!

  9. I'm with you neither represent what i believe or want.

    this is how i look at it. Obama has more the 20 years of being friends with a priest who teaches hate for the white man. (Please don't let them see you next to me.) and a wife who has lived the American dream her entire life, but this is the first time she is proud of her country. I've only been living in USA for half of my life an I can tell you that I was a proud American before I was a legal American.  I agree there should be more choices but the majority of Americans are either Dems or Reps and then there is us. If we vote for someone else we loose so vote for the candidate that has some of the values that you have.

    What matters to you? They will say wherever will get them elected but at the end it is not up to them the people who makes the  real decisions are The Congress those are the people we need to change.

    But they stay office until they die.  

  10. It's a trap. Vote and die!  

  11. You should vote because it's true, every vote counts.

    There has to be one of the candidates that you like better.

    But you don't have to vote. You should, but you don't have to.

  12. Look for what you don't want, and then decide I guess.

    Do you want universal health care?

    Do you want us to leave Iraq immediately?

    Do you want higher taxes on corporations?

    Do you want less spending on defense?

    Answer these questions, but remember to think of the consequences as well.

    I'm obviously for McCain/Palin, and these are just examples of questions you can ask yourself. Look up each candidate's stance on the issues, and then make your decision.

  13. McCain wants to keep us at war.  He will bankrupt the country and take away all of our rights.

    Vote for Obama.  


  14. Paul Weyrich, father of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups tells his flock that he doesn’t want people to vote. That’s why the GOP is obsessed with voter fraud (the TRUE problem is ELECTION FRAUD)—only they want to disenfranchise voters because as Weyrich said back in the ’80’s…the more voters there are—the less of a chance the wingers have in any election.

    Paul Weyrich: “Now many of our Christians have what I call the goo-goo syndrome — good government. They want everybody to vote. I don’t want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.

  15. "If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem"

    Coach Johnson, my HS coach

    McCain/Palin 2008

  16. Because too many people sacrificed so much to give you the freedom to do so!

    Think of your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, the soldiers, the people on the Mayflower.  They went through a lot of hard times for you.  Don't let their sacrifices go in vain.

  17. Everyone knows.

    This is is going to be the biggest, baddest turnout in American History, when the First Black Man Elected President of the United States. November 4, 2008.  

    No one really wants 4 more years, of the last 8 years.

    Obama/Biden in 08.  

  18. In particular, it is starting to look like residents of Ohio, Nevada, and Colorado are going to pick the next president.

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