
Why should I wear a white shirt instead of a black shirt on a hot sunny day?

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I would need a reason to do with color and light, heat also. All infotmaion is welcomed, i thank you in advance to whoever answers. Thanks have a good day




  1. because black (dark) colors absorb heat much better than white (light) colors.

  2. dark colors absorb light from the sun, while light colors reflect the light

  3. you should wear a white shirt because dark colors like balck, navy, dark blue these kind of color absorb energy which will make u feel more hot in hot sunny day so u should wear white.

  4. Actually a combination of the two would be best.

    White reflects heat and light energy, which reflects it away from your body.  Darker colors like black absorb light and heat and hold it close to you.

    But because black holds onto heat, it takes a while for the heat to get through the shirt.  The outside absorbs and it slowly filters down the shirt layers to your skin, where it warms.

    If you wear a white shirt over a black shirt, the white shirt will reflect most of the light and heat away.  But any light and heat that does get through is absorbed by the black shirt's outer layer and held away from your skin.

    The combination of white outer shirt and black inner shirt is best for hot and sunny days.

  5. Dark colors attract sunlight

  6. You should have learned about the color spectrum the effects of the reflection and absorbtion of light and the results of the colors we see.

    The white color we see is due to the fact that all visible radiation is reflected off of the particular dye or the chemical composition.

    The black color absorbs all visible radiation that falls on it. That light is converted into infrared radiation which is basically heat. There is something you should look up that deals with this called the law of energy conservation. The radiation isn't just absorbed as is but something that we cannot see which is the heat that we eventually feel when we wear the black shirt for so long.

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