
Why should I worry about global warming when it wont happen for hundreds of years?

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Why should I worry about global warming when it wont happen for hundreds of years?




  1. I guess people just want to think more globally...  At least think about more than themselves.  You really don't have to, but...

  2. thats not true it will actually happene in about 10 or 15 years at the rate that it is going, but to answer your question just cuz u got to think bout it the people of that time could be your great great great great great great.... grand kids and i know that u don't want anything bad to happen to them now do u, u have to think about the people of our future and just not about your self that y

  3. Frankly, you don't know that we won't be much colder hundreds of years from now.  Those that suggest it is already happened have demonstrated their lack of scientific objectivity but that is hardly surprising since it is largely a political agenda.

  4. It could happen tomorrow.

    Don't believe everything you hear and help take care of our earth, your great grand kids will be here then that's enough reason to worry about it.

  5. You don't need to worry about it, just put your trust in Jesus and he will forgive you of your sins and you will have an eternal home with Him in heaven when you die.  If you're not sure what I'm talking about then I would recommend that you read the Bible, start with the New Testament.  If you don't have a bible go to  The worries of this world are mean nothing in eternity, but where you're going when you die does.  

    John 3:16

    "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

  6. Global warming is happening at an alarming rate according to an inconvienent truth. This question is probably the reason that it continues to increase.

  7. well i dont know very much about the subject but I can relate...

  8. because of your future children, and it has already started!!

  9. That's the way to plan ahead!!! s***w the rest, you're enjoying yourself too much.

  10. You should be worried about the holes in the ozone layer! What happend to that? The same thing thats gonna happen to the global warming idea.

  11. Actually many are saying it is going to happen in about 50 yrs, so I think you should worry and don't be selfish for your future children.

  12. People like you are going to be the end of humanity. people need to start caring now before we F up this planet beyond repair. You are a shallow selfish human with horrible moral judgment, and humanity will pay for our ignorance.

  13. Finally someone figured it out.  The government wants you to worry because they like it when you fear something non-imminent such as a terrorist attack or global warming.

    Fear = blind obedience

  14. The planet has been warming for over a century.

    And we're already experiencing many adverse impacts.

  15. Your kids, your grandkids, your great grand kids, and theirs, etc...etc...etc... and so on, and so on...

  16. I think the first respondent said it best, The earth will warm then cool again, freaking out about it will do nothing good.

  17. Here's something for you to consider - Do you plan to procreate or have you already?  If so, is it not unsettling an idea to imagine your great great grandchildren agonizing over their ancestors legacy?  But if you're not one to worry about your unborn descendents, then it's unlikely any other argument would sway you to be worried about global waming.

  18. because if everyone doesnt care then it could come sooner. maybe not our lifetime sooner but it is still important.

  19. ~shrugs~

    The Sky is falling!!!

    and has been, long before this new concept began hovering...

    Chicken little has been around for a very long time

  20. i agree, but think of the people and mostly ur childrens that will be alive by that time and there grandchildrenas well.

  21. Because your children's children will. Plus what are that facts that it don't. Some of the evidence could be accurate. You shouldn't assume when it is connected to something this serious.

  22. Global warming is happening right now. It is nothing to worry about since humans can do nothing to affect it.

    Here is truth about global warming:

    Global warming is one-half of the climatic cycle of warming and cooling.

    The earth's mean temperature cycles around the freezing point of water.

    This is a completely natural phenomenon which has been going on since there has been water on this planet. It is driven by the sun.

    Our planet is currently emerging from a 'mini ice age', so is

    becoming warmer and may return to the point at which Greenland is again usable as farmland (as it has been in recorded history).

    As the polar ice caps decrease, the amount of fresh water mixing with oceanic water will slow and perhaps stop the thermohaline cycle (the oceanic heat 'conveyor' which, among other things, keeps the U.S. east coast warm).

    When this cycle slows/stops, the planet will cool again and begin to enter another ice age.

    It's been happening for millions of years.

    The worrisome and brutal predictions of drastic climate effects are based on computer models, NOT CLIMATE HISTORY.

    As you probably know, computer models are not the most reliable of sources, especially when used to 'predict' chaotic systems such as weather.

    Global warming/cooling, AKA 'climate change':

    Humans did not cause it.

    Humans cannot stop it.

  23. cos its the reason of life to reproduce and ensure the survival of your species

    well its your descision look at it in two ways the chance the worlds nations kill each other to the chance they disarm all neuclear weapons which is more likely to happen?

    simple gobal warming is blown out of proportion and its important but its a natural cycle we are just speeding it up.

  24. ummm cuz it is happening like...... NOW?  Tornados in winter.  Bigger, worse hurricanes.  Droughts.

  25. you shouldnt.  im extremely optimistic usually, but it really seems that if we were going to stop global warming we should have started at least 50 if not 100 years ago.  we have already done the damage so we just have to wait for the earth to heal itself.

    that doesnt mean 'green' issues are worthless though, if we ever survive a potential ice age, we will need to be nicer to the earth ecologically to ever build a sustainable future.

    in summary:

    green = good but the earth is already in meltdown so we should just enjoy our lives.

  26. Um...well, I guess you're still too young to notice that IT'S HAPPENING NOW.  We used to have much colder "winters" here in California.  Actually, we used to have...well...winters.  The past few years have been so dry.  And then there's all the weird weather happening all over the country, crazy storms, snow in places there hasn't been snow in years...or ever...  Weird things are happening, the earth is changing.

    You SHOULD worry because of the FUTURE.  It is coming and we should be prepared.  We don't want the world to be ruined for our children and their children and so on and so forth...

  27. whether it happens tomorrow or 100 years, man has little to no effect on our climate, no matter what the Gorebots tell you. It's the sun that influences the earth's climate the most. the sun is not constant, and the gorebots never tell you this.

  28. The big effects of it might not be seen for some time, but we are  already experiencing the "small" stuff.  For the future of coming generations, we can't really ignore it.

  29. be warming is a touchy subject. there is no scienctific data to prove or disprove humans' impact on global, the only way to know would be to see it happen...and by the way...the only "ice" that would affect the sea level would be the ice on the poles...icebergs already displace water so melting them would not affect the level of the sea. melt an ice cube in a glass of water...the glass wont overflow..the level will stay the same. oh and going by the rate of warming that is occuring presently...we have nothing to worry about. unless you live right on the coast...there will prob just be increased coastal flooding incidents during your lifetime...but we wont witness the least at the hands of global warming.

  30. If there is an opportunity to accomplish anything, it is before we build up heat in the atmosphere. Once the heating has progressed, cutting emissions may have some benefits, but not nearly what there might be if early.

    The lag after emissions  are greatly curbed (80%) before the heating effect stops increases as the amount of heating alredy done increases.

    But for  this, we could afford to wait until the oceans start to rise.

  31. it will affect family like great great great grandkids and that sort of stuff.and i think its unfair for them to suffer because of something we couldnt get right!

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