
Why should I worry about how much water, gas, and electricity I waste?

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Why should I worry about how much water, gas, and electricity I waste?




  1. Because it costs you money.

    All these things, as our population and demand upon resources grow, will become dearer.  The more you waste, the more demand and competition for the same resources, thus higher prices.

    Lets say that your water utility has access to amount of water X.  It serves an area with population Y.  Y, depending on where you live, id most likely growing, in some cases quite quickly.  The more Y is, the smaller parts X is divided into, giving you less water.  If you use more than X/Y (your share of water), your water utility has to acquire more water, at significant cost (cost which is passed on to you, the ratepayer); or raise prices to contain demand (again, more cost to you), or outright run out of water (which I imagine you, given the crass tone of your question, cannot even begin to fathom--water not come out of the tap?  It happens to communities from time to time).

    The third result is of course extreme (but was a close ru thing in Atlanta this year, and has happened in communities in the US every year, but the reality of your waste driving up your own costs is very real.

    A very practical example is gas prices-- they are going up and up and up.  This is not because of problems with refining, or interruptions of supply.  It is simply increases in demand (driven in large part by waste) far outstripping increases in supply.  

    You waste, you pay.  More.

  2. Because when you waste those things, you're damaging the earth.

  3. because you probably want to have children, and they will have to live in the ruins you'll leave behind.

  4. because if u will not worry u will  contribute (help) those people who really dont care for these resources.These resources r useful to us for our day to day life & if we will not worry abt them r future generations will spend their time in trouble & they will fight for these resources & a time will be there when we also have to pay a lot of dollars for water also

  5. it is like your home becoming dirty

    conserve thes resources as they are limited

  6. I  think that some people feel like if they change the way they live that it won't make a difference in the world(One person can't save the world).Can you imagine if  one million or  billion people thought that they alone can't change the world. If all those people put that energy into saving our Earth it would make  a huge impact.  Also It feels good to know that you are doing your part.

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