
Why should India become a permanent menber of the Security Council?

by Guest32054  |  earlier

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Allright my sister has got a social assignment so she's trying her best to do it....but its just a headache for her.....u can either give negative or positive points. Here's her topic for her assingment [i couldn't add it in the question]

Write arguments on why India should become a permanenet member of the Security Council [UNO]




  1. That because of the next war against China

  2. 1 billion people, nuclear weapons & stategic location/alliances.

  3. Biggest democracy - not the US, it is INDIA

    2nd biggest English speaking country

    Stable and developing economic power, you crackers can go and dump your head in **** on this--- INDIA rocks

    A proven partner in progress and technology along with UK, Israel, France... especially

    Loved by even the Islamic countries - Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran and Egypt especially --- a big plus, not applicable to the US, ofcourse

    A stable and dependable nuclear power, no track record of having proliferated nuclear technology to "terrorist regimes" unlike US and it`s ***** Pakistan

  4. Tell your sister to do her own homework.

    India should be given permanent status on the UN Security Council because they are the most populous country second only to China.  They have a nuclear inventory.  They are one of the worlds fastest growing economies.  I think it would be a good thing to have another democracy on the Security Council to counter China and Russia on policy matters.

  5. Well I'm sure that India has some really good ideas for the Security Council! So they should be given a change to be in it, it's only fair.

  6. As with other posters here I agree that India qualifies simply because of its population. But there are other valid reasons.

    They are a democracy, one of the largest in the world.

    They're a nuclear power.

    They occupy a strategic geographical position in the world, not only from the viewpoint of the US, but from the viewpoint of China, and other nations as well.

  7. The permanent members of the Security Council were the victors of WWII.  It was assumed these would be the major players forever.  That has not proven true with France never making it back even as a regional power and China's vote going to the People's Republic of China since they took over most of China.  India has a long and stable republican government and is projected to be the world's second largest economy in the not too far future (USA, India, China, EU while currently EU, USA, Japan, China).  They are nuclear armed, have a modern military, and have strong republican ideals in the real world.  It is just time for a readjustment and perhaps a name change for the PSC.

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