
Why should MLB retire Babe Ruth's number 3 if you believe he deserve's to have his number retired?

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Today marks the 60th anniversary of "The Babe" dying of cancer and knowing that he's arguably the best baseball player ever and for sure the most influential player of all time, do think Baseball should retire his number?




  1. They should retire his number, along with the numbers 44, for the hands down greatest baseball player ever, Hank Aaron, and 21 for Roberto Clemente.

  2. I think they should because he is the greatest baseball player that ever stepped onto the field.

  3. I bet they will retire it sooner or later.  There's no way they can't I mean just look at everything he accomplished.

  4. I don't think they should retire Ruth's number, but I think they should retire Roberto Clemente or Larry Doby's number

  5. No, baseball will never unilaterally retire Ruth's number, was he everything to and for the Yankees yes, however Jackie Robinson's contributions went so much more beyond the baseball field.  Nobody in the 20th Century faced more pressure to succeed, and succeed Jackie did not just against opponents, but he had to overcome racial animosity amongst his own team-mates.

    Ruth will always be a legend, however Robinson's legacy can never be underestimated in the impact it had on America.

  6. I am a believer that Babe Ruth was the best all-around player in the history of major league baseball.  That said, I do not believe that the number 3 should be retired for all teams because of him.  The idea of retiring a number should only be for the team that chooses to do so.

    Jackie Robinson, while a great baseball player, did not have his number retired by all teams because of his playing ability, but because of what he did to finally integrate baseball.  If it was only for his playing ability, it may not have been retired even for the Dodgers.

    Babe Ruth did change the game, but only on the playing field.  Others have changed the game as well. Maury Wills reintroduced the stolen base; Dennis Eckersly changed relief pitching.

    Babe Ruth's career does not warrant retiring the number 3 for all teams.

  7. ruth was a bigot and racist... but that is what BB likes

  8. Because best player is an opinionated thing. If they retired Ruth's number, they would have to retire Aaron's number and Bond's number and many other numbers. Then numbers would have to go to the triple digits. Also, the retired numbers wouldn't be significant anymore

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