
Why should Obama pick or not pick Hillary as a vice president?

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Why should Obama pick or not pick Hillary as a vice president?




  1. He should pick her to keep the party united otherwise the Democrats shall suffer a defeat in the hands of McCain.

  2. If he picks her as vice president they may find him in a park shot twice in the head and the gun thrown from the corpse just as Vince Foster

  3. Because she can not think  properly befor speaking,  and could not make a proper  decision after her speech.

  4. Because Billy it would be Hilly and Billy, Obama is not strong enough to overpower both of them. Billy even mentioned clinton and obama would make a good team, notice he put clinton before obama. Of the two I would vote for obama, but my vote is already for McCain.

  5. There is no intelligent reason for her to accept the Vice presidency. If he wins 2 terms she will be old hat by 2016 .

    If he loses she will be damaged goods in 2012 Her best shot if Obama loses in 2008 and runs in 2012.

  6. Although Hillary would make an outstanding president (certainly better than that hot-headed, "I don't know the difference between Shia and Sunni" McCain), Obama is my choice and would be better served by someone whose views more closely align with his progressive vision.  Gov. Bill Richardson would be an outstanding choice.

  7. He should not. She is an angry bitter liar....she also doesn't do well playing second fiddle.

  8. Too much baggage from her husband's term of office.  Whether deserved or not, she is perceived by a huge number of voters to be a divider, not a uniter.  Believe or or not, there are a lot of people out there who agreed with Bill's impeachment garbage.  They have lingering feelings of anger and bitterness.  Why not wipe the slate clean and go with someone else?

  9. he shouldnt or else all the crown royal in the white house will be gone

  10. It would look hypocritical and opportunistic and obvious.  Obama has criticized Hillary, so picking her as VP would only make it look like he's trying to get the votes of her followers.

    Ironically, Hillary might make a better VP than president since the VP presides over the Senate and Hillary is already in the senate and doing pretty well.

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