
Why should Palin benefits from Clinton's hard work for a woman as the top leader?

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She did not do a GD thing to deserve a VP position. Hillary endured insults and more.




  1. Anyone, Democrat or Republican, who thinks that Governor Palin was chosen "simply" because she's a woman deserves to have their butts handed to them, as Senator Biden will in the VP debate.

    Gov. Palin has a history of attacking establishment figures head-on, and defeating them. The best place outside of D.C. in which to do this is Alaska, where politics have become more calcified than almost anywhere else in the country. Her political resume includes sweeping out both a mayor and a governor in serious reform bids each time. If John McCain's only message this year was "reform in Washington", then Palin would be the perfect running mate.

    As far as shoring up his evangelical base, as many have noted that McCain needs to do, Palin is also an excellent choice. She's a credible pro-life and pro-family feminist, who was given the choice to terminate her last pregnancy when it was discovered that her son would be born with Down Syndrome. Although 9/10's of women elect to have an abortion in those cases, Palin kept her child, which has been an inspiration to women and families across the country.

    As far as her symbolic appeal goes, she represents far more than just women in the GOP. She, as well as Governor Jindal of Louisiana and even Governor Pawlenty of Minnesota, represents a new breed of Republican in this country. They are the next generation, free of any taint from Washington and especially President Bush. They remind us that "the future" doesn't just belong to the Democrats, but to all Americans.

  2. She won't.  It's an obvious ploy and I don't think it will work, not even for PUMA members.

  3. Hillary has worked for all these years, as have the one's who came before her, so that ALL women could have these opportunities.  She didn't work so that she would be the only one to have opportunities.  Sheesh, get a clue.

  4. Hillarry did PLENTY of dirty work, and got CAUGHT for some of it..she outta there, good riddance.

  5. Palin's "...articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking..."

    AND CHANGE NOT another Lawyer!

  6. Do you honestly think that crook (Hilary) deserves anything?  Hilary Clinton should be in jail for what she's done.  Sarah Palin is way more qualified in all the ways that really matter than she is.  Hilary has been scheming for power for years.  Why do you think she's stayed with that lech Bill?  Why do you think she ran for senator of a state she really had nothing to do with?  All she wants is more power.  I'm glad to see the presidency denied to her just when she thought she had it.  She pretended way too hard with false modesty that she did not want to run for president when the press and liberals kept asking her to.  Remember that?  I don't follow politics as closely as some do, but even I remember all the times she said (throughout President Bush's terms in fact) that she did not want to be president.  Turns out she was lying.  She's lied about a whole lot as you could see if you would just open your eyes.  

  7. She's a know it, we know it, attacking her will make you you have to not attack her...insulting her will make you a bully you cant insult...she was chosen to be the new Hillary in a hope that all Hillary fans will drop Hillary and move to her...once again she was chosen to get the 18 matter what her background is.

  8. What has Hillary done for Palin?  Nothing!  Palin was a great pick.  

  9. Hillary doesn't hold all rights to the womens struggle for equality! A billion women have contributed to this eventuality. It belongs to any woman who can take it. Rather than diminishing her accomplishments and attacking her should applaud her effort and see this as a deserved opportunity whether you intend to vote for her or not.

  10. Palin did not benefit from Clinton's work.  Palin became governor(giving her more EXECUTIVE  experience than Obama) on her own accord.  She was chosen as VP because she has PROVEN ability to bring the change Obama keeps talking about.

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