
Why should an enzyme be small??

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does it speed up reaction? does it lower activation enery? does it become more stable?




  1. It takes less energy to produce and it diffuses more readily.

  2. You know the lock and key theory ...enzymes are biocatalysts and they need to get attached to a specific site like how keys fit locks and generally keys are smaller than the lock ...since the sites are small , the enzymes(i.e proteins )are smaller.

    got it ha?

  3. small size gives large surface area and also it helps for dissolving

  4.    Enzyme is made up of amino acids,amino acid number is mainly depends on the sequence of DNA,that means size of enzyme mainly depends on sequense of DNA.

    FUNCTIONS:1). Act as catalyst,speed up the reaction rate.

    2). It decrease the activation energy of the reactants.

    3). Enzyme does not under go any change during the chemical reaction, after completion of reaction it will regenareted.

    4). It is more stable at specific optimum conditions of that purticular enzyme.    

  5. Enzymes are not small if you consider the molecular weight. They are macromolecules.

  6. first of all enzymes are oftemn not small..for instance the enzyme complex pyruvate dehydrogenase has a MW ~ 5 X 10^6 Daltons. Enzymes are biological catalysts that l;ower the energy of activationfor a reaction . Enzymes are often highly stereoselective and stereospecific and depending on class of enzyme may work on one substrate alone ( like glucokinase ) or multiple substrates like alcohol dehydrogenase.The special chemistry of the active sites of enzymes allows basis moieties of AAs  to be more basic..nucleophiles to be more nucleophilic, electrophiles more electrophilic...

  7. so that it can reach finest parts and work effectively.thus an enzyme should be very small.

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