
Why should animals not be kept in captivity?

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That's my debating topic and i need a caseline. So what are three good reasons why animal's shouldn't be kept in captivity?




  1. The most common arguments against animal captivity are behavioral modification, failure to understand and fulfil their needs, and impact on the gene pool.

    Frequently, highly endangered species are kept for captive breeding programs, but unless a large number of animals are used there is enough inbreeding to really restrict the gene pool.  If a large number of animals are kept, they may lose their natural fear of man or adapt their diet to unnatural foods, making release impossible.  Even if you do your best to provide a natual setting with natural foods, you may not be supplying nutritional and instinctual needs.

    That said, I don't really have a problem with all animal captivity.

  2. Imagine yourself in captivity, no sun, no freedom.

    Now, that's what the animals feel

  3. 1) not enough human contact (in genes) to be kept around humans

    2) may be ferocious

    3) they need their natural habitat to thrive

    i am using my own common sense about obvious animals that should NOT be kept in captivity. ie: lions, tigers, alligators

  4. they should be kept in captivity. Some of them.

    So we can watch them and enjoy it and study them(scientists) and they can live in peace with vets for when they get sick and shelter and food given to them and not have to worry about hunters/trappers/poachers.

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