
Why should britain go renewable ?

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or not if not why ?




  1. Because burning coal, oil and gas interferes with the carbon cycle, releasing far more carbon into the atmosphere than plant life etc. can take out of it and put back into the ground - contributing greatly towards global warming.

    And people are afraid of nuclear, so push for us to adopt the more expensive, less efficient and more difficult to apply methods such as wind power, etc.

    Oh, and our non-renewable energy sources will run out eventually.  When it happens, we want to be ready.

  2. no britian should not go green the hole of britain only amounts to 2% of the globle green house gas what posible differance can we make  none so whats the pioint of going to all that trouble

  3. If only we could simply "go renewable", but the idea is that if we can get more of our energy from sources such as wind, tidal, and solar, that will reduce global warming and ocean acidification, as well as our dependence on diminishing fossil fuel resources.

    Any particular case is a trade-off, since it takes energy to make anything, including a windmill.

    In addition, there is a biofuels lobby who pretend that grain ethanol (for example) is a renewable, but when you take into account the energy required to grow the grain, it isn't really.

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