
Why should europe be tolererant of the us?

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Why should europe be tolererant of the us?




  1. "Tolerant"?

    Just what does this have to do with Travel?

    And even if it does what is this question supposed to imply?

    Here is a bit of truth.

    The United States is one of the few nations on Earth which has the ability to be self sufficient.  Its economy is the driving force of the World economy.

    If the United States were to close its borders and end all contact with the rest of the world it would continue to be an economically viable nation but the economy of almost every other nation on the planet would collapse.

    The other nations of the world need to ensure that the US remains "tolerant" of them because it certainly doesn't need anything from them.

    Consider this example. At the moment, Airbus, which is owned by a consortium of Europeans, is marketing a huge new plane. That plane cannot land at American airports unless the United States Government, which funds a substantial amount of all airport improvements, pays tens of millions of dollars to strengthen landing strips and alter current terminal facilites. If the US chooses not to do this then the new Airbus will very likley become another Concorde, a white elephant and a financial catastrophe.  

    Just how much "intolerance' should the US government be willing to accept before deciding to bankrupt Airbus by the simple act of refusing to allow it to land in the US? 57,000 people at sixteen sites in four European countries depend on Airbus for their jobs. And Europe can't afford to lose even one job given its weak economy and high unemployment.

    Western Europe and the United States have vastly more in common than any other grouping of nations.  Attempting to exagerate the differences does no one any good.


  2. because we have bailed their collective asses out of so many turbulent times, see WWI & II, we have loaned them billions of $, not euros, so they can stay afloat and WE RULE!!

  3. Please fill in the blank: Past examples of good things that resulted from intolerance include __________________.

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