
Why should governmnet listen to Muslims in Kashmir and stop giving a very small bit of land to Amarnath temple

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Muslims in india now r from different countries or people who converted in to it during mughal rule. Already they took a seperate state and now they want kashmir, India is a hindu land and they are not allowing to give land for amarnath shrine. Does this government or politicians have any ethics? . Isnt it really sad that being a hindu country there is no place for a great temple in a indian state dominated by a minority community who either not from india and settled here or people who support pakisthan.




  1. When 80-year old Hindu ladies are out in the streets willing to die, shot, killed or otherwise injured...well...this is time for the evil Islamic spine to rattle and quake with fear.

    Muslims are good only at planting bombs and hiding...America has proved that Muslims hide in holes (Saddam Hussain), escape in Burqas Red Mosque leader), are cowards (Abu Ghraib ) and are otherwise deep s***s....I think in this world, only Hindus are still scared of them  

    O Bhagavan, we surrender our injustice and the struggle for freedom of Hinduism from the your sacred feet.

    Jai Bhagavan!  

  2. Vote bank politics and appeasement of minority muslims.

  3. I would like to inform Vijay D Why dont u convey the message to Muslims who snatched our lands to form Pakistan

    They cant give us small pice of land for religious purpose but snatched our private properties earned by our several generations

    Can your government return our lands

    They cant

    They only kjnow votes language

  4. There should be no reason why such a small issue has been blown out of proportion. and this should be the right time and opportunity for the government and the people of India to show that they are not going to bow down on every illogical demand just because it comes from a minority. If they are in India they need to follow the Indian rules. We need to show that minorities can't hold us for ransom on all issues be it reservation or be it this land issue. Things should be done which would be good for the masses and for a long time.  

  5. There is a difference in being a sensible hindu, and a naive hindu. As hindus, we just can't take law in our hands, when the goings are not in our favour. We have to see what is legally right or wrong, before we jump on the streets and start behaving as hooligans.

    And then we say we should be proud of being Indians!  

  6. before answering this question would like to ask a question to reader who answer this question mr"HF" do you have a guts to answer the real question insted of running away from that! I know that you cant answer this question because you dont have any logic left except  some political parties(so called seculer) who are playing with you and you blidly believe them as they look like your sympathiser.


  7. you tell me why HIndus played foul with us, the Sikhs. Nehru promised us a separate state atleat with autonomy in 1929, and then did not fulfill it saying that times have changed now. And Sardar Patel labeled us criminals. How do we forget misbehaviour with heroic Sikh generals, and discrimination with Punjab at every stage. Centre even broke International laws to snatch waters. And what about 1984 and after that?

    Kashmiris should have been atleast taken into confidence. Besides all this Sir, it is all politics.

  8. Hi,there is no reason that government should accept muslims demand that land should'nt be given for amarnath temple purpose ,secondly i accept with the other member view that india is a secular state and it doesn't makes difference between any religion but that doesn't means that we accept muslims demand of protesting for land sanctioned for amarnath temple purpose coz if we accept it on basis of supporting minoritys,it makes no sense coz living in a hindu dominated country with a tag of majority its our right that we should do and provide what we feel can be comfortable for our  visiting that place.we should tackle hard with protestors protesing for the amarnath tempe row .

    secondly,if we accept any demand which logically is wrong, it seriously should not be coz if we accept this time on any basis then after somedays some other will take birth .

    so,the government should not accept any reasons or should not come under any pressure from any religion and should proceed with the plans it created .

  9. You should understand about the unwritten law in India

    which is that a)in states where muslims are in minority

    they should be given all facilities and encouraged so that they feel they are one with their hindu brethren(?),

    and b)in the state where they are in majority,their hindu brethren have no place and should not seek special favors or facilities.This is the first principle of secularism

    as propounded by all our political parties except the BJP..In secular India,the hindus should always accept the fact that they are not just second rate citizens but way down the line.

    So,it has become incumbent on the government to

    listen to muslims not only in Kashmir but all over the


  10. I agree with you & every person who has replied this question. Personally I may not be so much hardcore Hindu & hardly give importance to any religious place but I'm a God-fearing & believer. The very first issue which I want to again bring in notice of all readers with regard to State of Jammu & Kashmir is Article 370 of the Constitution of India which gives special status to this State in India, when Political party like BJP says that this discriminate provision in the Indian Constitution should be deleted & this State should have same status any other State of India then all other political parties come out defending this Article 370 of the Constitution & start calling BJP as fascist, anti-Muslim political party. I ask all those so-called intelligent people who call BJP as fascist & anti-Muslim party how come the demand of deletion of Article 370 giving special privilege to the State of J&K makes BJP a Fascist & anti-Muslim party? Why the people of J&K be given special status in India when all other people belonging to any State of India enjoy equal Status as any other Indian Citizen. The Special Status to J&K doesn't allow any other person but a person of J&K to have a piece of land in his or her name in that State, I live in Gurgaon, Haryana & see thousands of Kashmiris who purchased land, built houses & are living here, but I cannot thing of doing same for any town or city in J&K as I won't be able to buy a piece of land in my name & build a house there, is this not DISCRIMINATION between citizens of India? Who will reply my question now?

  11. at this juncture i feel that Hindu's should have to adopt quit congress policy by taking the oath for that before own God and by heart.

  12. During 1947 Muslims snatched our lands, houses and businesses. They carried out worst genocide with the help of their Army to create Muslim Nation. But our Hindu leaders only kept on dividing hindu community and continued with Minority  appeasement policy.  Some how we the migrant hindus recovered from Partition loss and settled in

    Panjab. Sikh terrorists and Binderawale terrorised hindus to an extent that hindus lands and houses were snatched.

    Hindus had to suffer terror for 20 years. Many hindus were murdered in Panjab. But our leaders kept on healing Sikh wounds.

    Same tactic was applied in J & K

    Kashmiri hndus had to leave the valley due Islamic terror

    I only request hindus to wake up and get united

    When terrorist kill us he does not see whether we are Brahmin or Dalit

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