
Why should handball have a section?

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  1. Just because people here dont play it doesnt mean it doesnt deserve its section.

    The only reason people dont really pay attention to it is because its not a media based sport where they have actual games to  watch.

    Its a great sport, I know about 100 other people in just my school that play. Most of the sports questions here are just about actual teams anyway, Atleast in Handball people actually work their asses off to get better, not talk about whos in the championships.

  2. because its a sport that people hardly play!


    best answer please

  3. it shouldn't =]

  4. handball is a very popular sport in other parts of the world besides the United States... even if the section is unpopular people still play it here in the states and it deserves its spot...

  5. I completely agree with you! I have never even HEARD of handball. Lacrosse deserves a section more than handball. All we lacrosse people are confined to sports-general. Agree?

  6. i rememeber playing handball in 6th grade :D

  7. well it is a sport


  8. It should because it's really populer in Europa. It's even populer than american football in EUROPA, even thought it's only america that watch that game

  9. lol, I agree

  10. handball shoud have a section everywhere!! plus it is popular mostly in europe, and becoming popular in North America...

    youtbe team handball and see how awesome it is!!!!!!!! =D

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