
Why should hill supporters vote for obama? over some1 that was willing to give the vp spot to a woman?

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and b4 people go on abt stances hillary and obama are not that similar in his own words he said she is the old and he is the new. also obama has never faced sexism or life as a woman or overcome challenges like raising children, trying to make it in a male dominated world like hillary and palin have done and if obama cares more abt women's rights than palin does why didn't he let hillary take the presidential nomination seeing as she did win all the critical states and 18 million votes




  1. They shouldn't vote for Obama. But it isn't VP that we vote for.

    McCain 08!

  2. Ok, Hillary and Obama might not be that similar.. but their is NO WAY Palin is more similar to Hillary. She is basically a complete 180 on Hillary policies and views. Hillary is a populist, moderate, liberal, while Palin is a right wing extremist. I don't think any logical woman,or anyone for that matter, could make a comparison between the 2. You put Hillary and Obama and Palin in a room together and suddenly Obama starts to look exactly like Clinton when contrasted against the extremist Palin.

    Just because you keep repeating th phrase "obama doesn't have any accomplishments" does not make all of them suddenly go away! haha. Similarly just because you are unaware of the extent of his many accomplishments doesn't mean they do not exists.

  3. Hillary supporters should understand how much MORE she can do as a Senator from New York, than as Obama's VP. She garners more POWER and status in her present position. She can do MORE to further the agenda if she stays put.

  4. Are you kidding? Pro-choice Pro-life. Simple glaring difference in Rep Dem governing philosophy. Hill supporters should be insulted. Think what you want about Hillary this women is NOT in the same league.

  5. because this woman is no HIllary. she is to the extreme far right. mccain must believe that we are truly idiots for putting a woman in and believing we would like her just the same, because of gender and gender alone. Palin is no Hillary, she doesn't even compare.  

  6. If any woman will do will that make you happy. I am a man  I don't want any man just because he is a man. you argument doesn't make sense to me

  7. I wouldn't say which candidate Hillary supporters should vote for, but I do think attaching themselves too tightly to Hillary is counterproductive.

    The first 3 female governors in the US succeeded their husbands in office and essentially served in place of their husband.  The third, Lurleen Wallace, is a truly bizarre story.  I don't think having the first woman President follow in the tradition of the first women governors really adds anything for women's rights.

    Sebelius, Napolitano, McClaire, and, yes, even Sarah Palin say more for women in politics than having Hillary on a Presidential ticket does.

  8. s*x of the candidate should have nothing to do with it.

    Who's valvues and positions do you belive in, that is who you should vote for.

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