
Why should history be a subject?

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Why should history be a subject?




  1. You mean you think we don't need to know what happened back in the day? For one thing, history helps us learn why the terrorists hate us and will stop at nothing to destroy us. That's pretty important. It gets more important as you get older, so try to pay attention.

  2. In order to have something as a punishment which is not physical,yet brutal

  3. because it is really helpful to understand the present! it also can help find solutions to our problems now!

  4. So we learn from our mistakes.

  5. The old cliche' applies, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Which would YOU rather do, burn your finger on a hot stove, or learn from history, someone else who burned theirs? Or are you lacking in common sense and so stupid as to burn yourself just to check to be sure the history is true? The smart thing is to learn from the mistakes of others, not gain experience firsthand through trial and error. Remember also, MOST of history is written in blood...

  6. Because in order to APPRECIATE the FUTURE. . . .you have to understand where we came from the PAST.  I think it would be analogous  with being a parent (like our forefathers to the Constitution).  If your parents did a good job raising you (like our forefathers did putting together this nation), would you want their efforts and achievements ignored and forgotten.  Or would you want to learn the principles by which you live and develop your values as a people and a nation ?

  7. it's about being 'well-rounded'. many things in our current life can be compared to happenings in our past. like our current recession, and the great depression that started in 1929. if we didn't learn the history of that event, we wouldn't know how to avoid it happening again.

    Also history can be exciting- because sometimes, it's made right before our eyes. For instance- in 30 years history books will have printed in them Sen. Barack Obama's name, saying that he was the first black man to run for president (and hopefully, it will also say he won.) Another date that will be written in history books is sept 11, 2001. We want our children and their children to read about that tragedy so hopefully, they will know to pursue a more peaceful future.

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